Page 69 - V40_220925_Draft4
P. 69

No louring clouds to bring fear  The hills on the horizon
 To the hearts of men.       Roll sweetly to the sea.
 No clouds to hide             No ugliness there.
 The only stark line of his creation –   Across the horizon,
 All else is gentle.          Aware of the stillness
 No ugliness there.            That must remain
 E’en the sun,           The curlew and the cormorant fly,
 In all its majesty and chemical combustion  The red shanks line astern
 Here in the Rhinns     Lest they disturb too much the air.
 Is gentle and appealing.      No ugliness there.
 Cooled by the breeze from the sea,
 It rises and falls            Even the sea feels
 In gentle majesty.            The tranquillity of
 No ugliness there.            His soothing hand.
                       The equinox tides may arouse the sea,
                              But beauty remains.
                           The marine blues and greens
                          Fringed in delicate white lace.
                        Search as I may – no ugliness there.
                               Search for ugliness
                               Amidst the rocks –
                            You will find none there.

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