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This example is just the beginning. Since
Custom Audiences launched, Facebook has
continually made significant updates,
making it much more powerful and flexible
than ever before.
Here are all the options for Custom
Audiences. We start with the number one, be able to target your Facebook Advertising
that can be used to target competitor´s forall users that have visited a specific page
audiences. on your website during a set time period of
up to 180 days.
Standard Custom Audience
Upload a list of emails and up to 14 other App Activity Custom Audiences
identifiers (for example age, gender and ZIP You can create audiences based on what
code) that you want to target andFacebook actions people take when they use your
will match them with its users. Facebook app. You can create audiences of people
will usually match between 60-80% of the who recently opened your app, recently
contacts on your list. completed a purchase, completed large
purchases, or achieved a certain level in
your game or platform. For example, you
Website Custom Audiences
Website Custom Audiences mean you don’t can create an audience of those who have
need to have target users’ email addresses used your app previously, but not used it in
or phone numbers. Instead, simply insert the last 30 days.
the Facebook Pixel tracking code on your
website and you’ll Engagement Custom Audiences
You can create audiences of those who
engage with certain ad types or your page.
The duration of these ad types is up to 365
days (apart from lead forms which have a
90 day duration), although more recent is
often better.