Page 17 - YouTube Mastery eBook
P. 17


               Allocating the Time to Create Your Videos

               It takes a lot to make a YouTube channel successful. It isn’t just

               about making a single video and moving on. You also have to

               spend the time to promote the channel through social media,

               grow your subscriber list, and engage with your audience. You

               need to take the time to sit down and figure out how much time

               you can actually allocate for building your channel and then break

               it down according to the necessary activities. It is essential to give

               each activity its due time since they are all linked. If you focus too

               much time on making your videos and not enough time promoting

               them and engaging with your audience, it will eventually cost you.

               Getting started on YouTube takes a solid understanding of what it

               takes and a detailed plan for initiating and maintaining the

               channel. Taking the time beforehand will ensure you are given the

               best opportunity to succeed.

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