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In particular, the Vietnamese Cai Luong
Theater and the Vietnam Circus Federation
collaborated on the show Cai Luong
together with the circus “Cay gay than”. The
performance has brought a bold
examination when the familiar old songs of
Cai Luong such as “Doan Song lam giang”,
“Vong kim lang” and “Phi Van diep khuc”
have been incorporated with Jazz and along
with the appearance of rap music in some
scenes. All of this made the performance
interesting for Cai Luong, which lit a fire of
admiration in young people’s hearts.
The importance of Vietnam‘s combination
of traditional and modern music is gradually
getting higher. The greater reason being that
cultural heritage has been an especially
significant source of cultural resources in
which Vietnam positions itself on the
international level. There exists a saying from
artist Ngo Hong Quang that “traditional
music cannot be “collected” and kept within
walls of glass or museums, even using it as its
originality is not enough, it shall only “live”
and “be complete” when it is involved in a
creative process”. Therefore, if we want to
preserve traditional music, we should create
music to match the trends as well as catch
the interest of the current youth.
“ Traditional music
cannot be
and kept within walls
of glass or museums,
even using it as its
originality is not
enough, it shall
only “live” and “be
complete” when it is
involved in a creative
process. “