Page 28 - Patty Hahne "The Pocket Guide to Prepper Knots"
P. 28
Making Use
of Scavenged Rope
In a perfect world, we would all only use new rope or at least
rope that is in very good condition. The reality of finding
yourself suddenly placed in a survival situation could mean
you may have to resort to scavenging for cordage. There are
plenty of uses for rope you might be able to collect but you
don’t really know anything about scavenged rope.
You don’t know the rated load capacity, how old it is, or
how it has been stored. With this in mind, exercise extreme
caution when using scavenged rope. It may be fine for your
intended purposes or it may break easily. You’ll have to
assess the particular situation and decide for yourself if you
feel like it is safe to use rope you have been able to collect.
22 The Pocket Guide to Prepper Knots