Page 75 - Patty Hahne "The Pocket Guide to Prepper Knots"
P. 75

One-Handed Bowline
            There is a variation of the bowline known as the “one-hand-
            ed bowline.” This is very handy if you ever need to quickly
            tie a bowline around your waist.
              It’s very simple to tie but quite difficult to describe with
            words and pictures.  To help you understand the steps, the
            rabbit mnemonic phrase that is often used to remember
            how to tie a bowline will be used in the following instruc-
            tions. Keep in mind as you’re viewing the photographs that
            the rope is wrapped around my body and I’m tying the knot
            with my right hand only.

            How to tie it:
            1.  Take hold of the working end and pass it around your
              waist so the standing part is on the left side of your
              body and the working end is on the right side of your
              body.  This is illustrated in figure 21a.

                  Figure 21a.

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