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As a Certified Public Accountant,   To help with prioritizing in terms   To see the effects of stress
           I have seen a lot of disasters occur   of numbers, the AARP website has a  on your blood oxygen, some
           from poor financial planning, but I   lot of nifty tools, such as rent versus   smartphones have blood oxygen
           have also talked with a lot of happy   mortgage, credit card payoff, and   saturation sensors. If your phone
           customers who made the time to    retirement calculators for traditional   has the fingerprint spot for
           make a few intentional decisions.   IRA and 401k plans (  unlocking the phone or an infrared
           In this article, I review a few life   money/money_tools/). The last time I   signal, you may have access to
           lessons and classic textbook finance   checked the website, a person did   an app that activates the sensor.
           tools. (Note: I am not a certified   not need to be an AARP member to   (Samsung Health app allows for
           financial planner, thus this is not   use their calculators.         that on Samsung phones.) Some
           professional financial advice.)                                      smartwatches and fitness trackers
                                                     Remember to Take Full      also have this nifty bio-feedback
                 Know What Is More and               Breaths and Stretch When   tool, and pulse oximeters can be
                 Less Important in Your Life. 2. Making Big Decisions           found at drugstores like Walmart
           1. As an addict in recovery, one     Stress from decision-making can   and CVS.
           of the first tools that helped me to   cause the body to tense up, leading   To alleviate a lack of oxygen
           organize was creating a list of what   to shallow breathing. This, in turn,   caused by stress, there are several
           was more important versus what    leads to less oxygen in the blood   great breathing exercises out there.
           was less important—and reviewing   and can result in headaches and   My favorite is this: For one minute,
           that priority list when making    other health issues. It becomes a   count to three seconds breathing in,
           decisions. First, I wrote down    horrible cycle of stressful thoughts   holding for one second, and then
           everything that mattered most to   causing a stressed body creating a   counting to three seconds breathing
           me. Then, on a new page, I started   stress headache, then adding more   out (repeat 10 times). There are
           ranking them.                     stress to the body!                many other variations to be found
             One might think “Ok, that is                                       on the internet and books.
           obvious; drugs should be at the
           bottom; but what about the electric                                         Know Your Investment
           bill compared to the rent? Or taking                                        Limits and Accept Them.
           a class in philosophy compared to      …SOME DAYS                    3. When investing—whether
           buying new boots?” The rankings                                      it be mutual funds, company stocks,
           may change over time, but carrying                                   or even rental properties—prices
           that go-to list in a purse or wallet   YOU MAY NEED TO               may go up and down, and the
           can be helpful, especially for spur-                                 current price may not be the price
           of-the-moment purchases.                                             you want. My favorite way to buy a
             For example, you suddenly crave   PRACTICE PATIENCE                stock is by setting a limit price.
           ice cream, but are saving for a car.                                   For example, let’s say that the
           That reminder list can help reinforce                                price on 1/1/2022 was $175 for
           your commitment to putting the                                       HypotheticalCompany, but one
           money in a savings jar instead of   OR RECONFIGURE                   sees a bit of variation in the stock
           spending it on a snack. That is,                                     price. There is a chance (but what
           if you decide snacks are not as                                      percent is speculation) that it will
           important as a new car. Only you   YOUR PRIORITIES…                  likely again fluctuate, and placing
           can create your own priority list.                                   a limit order for $174 makes it such
                                                                                that the broker only buys it when
                                                                                it gets that low. However, it could

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