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           empowerment through emotional     Conclusion                         Nummenmaa, L., Glerean, E., Hariand,
           intelligence skills.                 TACT trainings are fully           R., & Hietanen, J. K. (2014). Bodily
             TACT accomplishes much of       experiential. The theory presented    maps of emotions. Proceedings of the
           what psychotherapy does without   here is not part of the training,     National Academy of Science of the                                                                      DETAINEE
                                                                                   United States of America.
           directly addressing the traumatic   and the changes that occur in
           event. Consider the metaphor of   participants are organic and not   Ogden, P. (2021). How to work with
                                                                                   the limbic system to reverse the
           a fast-moving river with large    conscious. Participants become        physiological imprint of trauma.
           boulders scattered downstream.    aware of these changes, because       Treating trauma master series. Storrs,                                                                  WELL-BEING
           These boulders—or trauma—cause    they feel and think differently, not   CT: National Institute for the
           much disruption in the flow of one’s   because of any conscious plan on   Clinical Application of Behavioral
           life. With TACT, the boulders shrink   their part. They are usually quite   Medicine.
           some. However, more importantly,   surprised at the positive changes,   SAMHSA. (2013). GAINS trauma                                                                            Monitoring System
           the river rises so that the flow   even when they were initially        principles handout.pdf. Retrieved
           becomes smooth, and one can       resistant to the training.            from https://soarworks.samhsa.
           travel with less or little disruption   Part two of this article gets into   gov/sites/soarworks.prainc.
           down the river—or through life.   more specifics about emotional        com/files/GAINS%20Trauma%20
           There may still be a need for     intelligence and how best to train    Principles%20Handout.pdf                      PASS-5B
           psychotherapy to completely rid the   staff in these retention skills.   Siegel, D. (2021). The neurobiology         Detainee Tag                                              With Heart Rate Monitoring
           river of boulders, but life becomes                                     of trauma: What’s going on in the
           more manageable.                  References                            brain when someone experiences
             In TACT training, participants   Borysenko, J. (2021). The neurobiology   trauma?” Treating trauma master
                                                                                   series. Storrs, CT: National Institute
           first create a container of safety,   of trauma: What’s going on in the   for the Clinical Application of
           respect, and caring to establish a   brain when someone experiences     Behavioral Medicine.
           foundation. Once they have this      trauma?” Treating trauma master   Siegel, R. (2021a). Treating trauma            HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS:                                     WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU:
           foundation, they no longer need      series. Storrs, CT: National Institute   master series; capstone session.
                                                for the Clinical Application of
           their protective identities and      Behavioral Medicine.               National Institute for the Clinical
           naturally lower them, leaving them                                      Application of Behavioral Medicine.           Detainees wear wrist-mounted, tamper-                     •  Provide alerts on high and low detainee
           with their humanity exposed. That   Buczynski, R. (2021a). The neurobiology   2021                                    resistant transmitting units that send a unique             heart rates
                                                of trauma: What’s going on in the
           is how we truly connect with each    brain when someone experiences   Siegel, R. (2021b). How to work with            radio signal on a user-configurable interval.
           other—through our core selves. This   trauma?” Treating trauma master   the limbic system to reverse the                                                                        •  Provide alerts on high detainee physical
           is where transformation occurs.      series. Storrs, CT: National Institute   physiological imprint of trauma.        The PASS-5B Detainee Tag measures detainee                  activity levels
             This physical and emotional        for the Clinical Application of    Treating trauma master series. Storrs,        physical activity level and detainee heart rate.
           experience directly connects with    Behavioral Medicine.               CT: National Institute for the                                                                          •  Provide proximity alerts based on user-
           the subconscious. By connecting   Buczynski, R. (2021b). How to work    Clinical Application of Behavioral            Signals are transmitted to specialized receivers
           with our emotions, we can begin      with the limbic system to reverse                                                mounted in detainee housing areas which are                 configurable detainee classifications
           the healing process. Added to this   the physiological imprint of trauma.   Spinaris, C., & Denhoff, M. Depression,   forwarded over a dedicated Ethernet network                 (e.g. Covid Positive/Non-Vaccinated)
           lived experience are emotional       Treating trauma master series. Storrs,   PTSD and comorbidity in United
                                                                                   States corrections professionals.
           intelligence skills so that the      CT: National Institute for the     Desert Waters Correctional Outreach           to an application server for processing.                  •  Provide documentation useful for contact
           person is emotionally and socially   Clinical Application of Behavioral   2013. Retrieved from www.                                                                               tracing purposes
           empowered; changing how they see                                                            User-configurable alarms are annunciated
           themselves, how they see others,   van der Kolk, B. (2021). How to work                                               on dedicated client workstations or on Black              •  Improve safety of both detainees and staff
           and how they perceive their future;   with the limbic system to reverse
                                                the physiological imprint of trauma.
           and giving them a sense of hope      Treating trauma master series. Storrs,   John Shuford developed the Immersive    Creek Touchscreen Control Stations. Alarm                 •  Help protect user agencies against lawsuits
           for a better future. These           CT: National Institute for the   Experiential staff development                  annunciations include the detainee’s zone
           emotional intelligence skills can    Clinical Application of Behavioral   training methodology, which can             location in the facility.
           be described as:                     Medicine.                       improve staff morale, cooperation
           •  attitude skills (self-awareness,   Lanius, R. (2021). How to work with   between departments and positively
                                                                                transform the work culture. He has
             empathy, personal responsibility,   the limbic system to reverse the   been published in national correctional
             and emotional management),         physiological imprint of trauma.   journals and has led international                                                                            
           •  interpersonal skills (listening,   Treating trauma master series. Storrs,   conflict resolution delegations to                                                                               205-949-9923
                                                                                Russia, South Africa and China. He can
                                                CT: National Institute for the
             assertiveness, problem solving,    Clinical Application of Behavioral   be contacted at                                                                           
             and prevention skills), and        Medicine.
           •  community building skills (trust,
             respect, and inclusiveness).                                                                                          The PASS-5B Detainee Tag is not an FDA-approved medical device. The data provided by the PASS-5B is only intended to be an estimation of the metrics of the
                                                                                                                                  person wearing it and is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any health issues or conditions. The person wearing the PASS-5B Detainee Tag or any third party
                                                                                                                                                using PASS-5B data should utilize other methods or consult with a doctor if precisely accurate medical data is required.
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