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take some time for that price drop price and how low that limit should Reflect, Forgive, and Press
to occur, but it may never happen. be? Where are the best deals and Forward.
Not placing a limit order, one coupons? Does that bank have an 5.This is another perspective
could miss an opportunity when overdraft fee? from the “improvise, adapt, and
the desired stock is $170 a week I like to start with government overcome.” The central part of
later — but one could miss a good websites for laws and company this action plan for finding areas
market price if that stock never websites for their financial to improve is best done when
again falls below $175. Recently, I reports, but other resources are thoughts are focused. However,
was watching the stock for Oatly sometimes needed. For example, if we are angry at ourselves, that
(a producer of oat-based “milk”). I when purchasing merchandise on anger can blind us from reality. We
decided not to purchase their stock websites like Amazon, it may not can be mad at someone who didn’t
because I had already met my limit be enough to see that a product has do what we wanted, or we can just
at market price on day 2. Then, four stars. I recommend reading the accept it and move forward to find a
their stock skyrocketed on day 3. comments in the reviews. The same better solution.
(Yes, it opened at a price higher could be true for finding the best We also may be mad at ourselves.
than the market price at the close of broker, a bank for savings, financial We may think we set too high or
the prior day.) So, some days you planner, and tax agent to look at the too low limit for ourselves. Or we
may need to practice patience or “why” of the review/rank by other may think we moved too slow or
reconfigure your priorities when customers. too fast. Staying mad or in denial
deciding whether or not to exceed My current broker doesn’t charge doesn’t help us find a new way
your limits. a transaction fee, but there is a delay to move slower or faster—or
The concept of limits doesn’t in clearing time that another broker perhaps just more accurately. This
need to be applied only to stocks. may not have. A little research can final life lesson, done after some
Brokers may also place limits on help with making better decisions. internal reflection and forgiveness
purchasing mutual funds and Other considerations when deciding action, may help to bring about an
EFTs (an exchange-traded fund is investments besides the rate of improved way the next time.
basically a basket of securities). return include:
However, we can also manually • Some mutual funds have higher Author’s Note: This article is the
make a note of our limits. For minimum buy-ins, front load work of the author alone and
example, camelcamelcamel tracks fees, annual fees, and selling fees, does not reflect the views of the
prices of items sold on Amazon, so while others may not. Maryland Department of Public
one can see how low the price was Safety and Correctional Services nor
previously, such as with seasonal • Brokers and banks may also have Wor-Wic Community College.
changes ( minimums and fees.
• Some savings devices like CD,
Do the Research. 401k, and IRA accounts may have Anjali Phukan Chatelle, CPA, teaches
A great quote from Oslo, fees for early withdrawal. yoga via Hearts on Yoga and business
4. a movie released in 2021, The IRS may also offer a saver’s courses such as Finance and Business
Law at Wor-Wic Community College.
is: “I cannot help you. Only you, credit for which a person may She also has taught in a corrections
together, can do this.” Life is like qualify ( environment. Her short “yoga snack”
that sometimes. A financial planner about-form-8880), but the tax law can videos that connect breath with
may help, but where is the research change any given year. Therefore, stretches, as well as a playlist of all her
to find the financial planner who it is always important to do the exercise yoga videos, can be found
on YouTube. She can be contacted at
is the best fit for you? How does research and double-check it if some
someone learn how to set a limit time has passed.