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future who may be eligible for
• provide available current
medical evidence or nonmedical
information for the inmate
including a statement about the
inmate’s ability to handle funds.
• provide Social Security with the
anticipated release date.
• notify Social Security as soon as
the inmate is released or of any
changes that delay the release
Once a prerelease agreement
is established, Social Security will
maintain the arrangement by:
• Review and renew prerelease
agreements when there is a
change in circumstances to
ensure they operate effectively.
• Ensure that the institution still
refers prerelease cases.
• Contact the institution’s staff
The Social Security 30 days of his or her scheduled to discuss problems and to
Administration (SSA) has release date. Either the local Social determine if they are satisfied
developed a prerelease procedure Security office or the institution with how the prerelease
to help individuals whose may initiate a discussion about procedure is working.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) setting up a prerelease agreement. • Provide refresher training, as
or Social Security benefits were The prerelease agreement may be needed.
reduced, suspended, or terminated an informal verbal agreement or
because of their incarceration and may be a written agreement signed Ultimately, a prerelease
who are now in the process of by both parties. A sample of a agreement allows both parties to
reentry. This prerelease procedure prerelease agreement is on page 47. streamline the process for starting
allows individuals to apply for In a typical prerelease agreement, or restarting benefits promptly
benefits several months before their the Social Security office does the after an inmate is released from
anticipated release so that benefits following: an institution and facilitates the
can begin quickly after they reenter • gives guidelines about what inmate’s return to the community
society. by providing him or her with an
evidence is needed, adequate source of income.
An application filed by the
facility on behalf of the inmate • provides a contact person to For more information on
assist the institution and the
before the inmate’s release allows inmate in applying the prerelease prelease agreements, visit the Social
SSA to make a determination based procedures, Security website at https://secure.
on what the situation will be after
the facility releases the individual. • processes claims and or
This allows eligible individuals reinstatements in a timely lnx/0500520930. To locate a field
to receive SSI or Social Security manner, and office, visit
payments shortly after they leave • notifies the institution promptly
jail. The prerelease procedure can when Social Security has made
help to prevent homelessness and a decision about the inmate’s Rebecca Ortiz is a Social
reduce recidivism. eligibility for benefits. Insurance Specialist in the Office of
Communications at the Social Security
When notified by the institution, In return, the institution agrees to Administration. Her mission is to
Social Security follows this do the following: spread awareness about Social Security
procedure if the inmate is likely • notify Social Security of people programs and services. She can be
to be eligible for benefits within scheduled for release in the near reached at