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Conference Registration Information

           Register and Save!

           Take advantage of AJA’s Early Bird Registration and do not miss any of the workshops, training, and networking
           offered at AJA’s 41st Conference & Jail Expo!

            Early Bird Registration            Advance Registration               Regular Registration
            rates are available for the first   rates are available from          is available from April 6–
            two months registration is         January 20–April 5, 2022 for       May 5, 2022 and onsite for
            open—from November 17, 2021        $370 for AJA members; $500 for     $415 for AJA members; $545 for
            through January 19, 2022—at a      nonmembers.                        nonmembers.
            great value for AJA members of
            $345 and $475 for nonmembers.        Save $70 by joining AJA or renewing your membership!

          Register online at or complete and return the registration form on the next page.

           Payment and Confirmation          Guest Registration                 Block Registrations
           Payment is required prior to the start    To qualify for the guest registration   To obtain a block registration for 10
           of the conference and must be made   fee, the registrant cannot be employed   individuals or more—all at the member
           with a credit card, check, or purchase   in the field of corrections and must be   conference rate—contact Michele Florian at
           order. Online registrants who pay   a spouse/guest of a paying member/  301–857–2233 or
           by credit card receive immediate   nonmember registrant. Guest registration
           confirmation and payment receipt.   provides access to all workshops and   Non-Exhibiting Companies
           Registrants submitting via email, mail,   professional sessions, the Sunday
           or fax receive email confirmation within   Luncheon & Business Meeting, Jail Expo   Companies who are not exhibiting and who
           three weeks of receipt. One week prior to   with lunch vouchers on Monday and   wish to attend the workshops and/or the
           the conference you are sent a Fast Track   Tuesday, and the AJA Awards Reception   Jail Expo must register as a non-exhibiting
           email to bring with you for check-in at   and Banquet on Tuesday night.  company. To learn about exhibiting, go to
           the AJA registration desk. If you do not                    or email
           receive a Fast Track email, please call   Full-Time Student Registration
           Michele Florian at 301–857–2233. Badges   To qualify for the full-time student
           and materials are distributed onsite.                                Media/Photography
                                             registration fee, the registrant must be
                                             enrolled as a full-time student in an   By participating in AJA’s Conference &
           Cancellations/Refunds             accredited, degree-granting institution,   Jail Expo, you give the American Jail
           No refunds are given unless a written   and cannot be employed full-time in the   Association permission to photograph
           request is received on or before April   field of corrections. A copy of student   and/or record you and your voice on
           6, 2022. After this date, 40% of the   identification is required with the   still photographs, motion picture film,
           conference fee can be refunded upon   registration form. Student registration   audiotape and/or videotape, or any digital
           written request due to the costs   provides access to all workshops and   recording medium and to use this material,
           associated with planning on attendance.   professional sessions, the Sunday   in whole or in part, through the media
           No refunds are given after May 6, 2022.   Luncheon & Business Meeting, Jail Expo   of television, film, internet, multimedia
           Delegate substitutions are allowed at any   with lunch vouchers on Monday and   presentation, radio, audiotape, videotape,
           time, but AJA must be notified in writing.  Tuesday, and the AJA Awards Reception   magazine, or in printed form or display
                                             and Banquet on Tuesday night.      form for the promotion of American Jail
                                                                                Association activities. This pertains to all
                                                                                attendees and exhibitors.

                                  Criminal Justice Student Day is a complimentary day on Tuesday for
                                  criminal justice students to access workshops, attend a Q&A with
                                  corrections professionals, and gain admittance to the Jail Expo. To
                                  register only for Criminal Justice Student Day, visit

           Questions? Go to, e-mail, or call 301–790–3930.

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