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Meet Your Host:

            The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department

           North County Correctional Facility (NCCF)                                                    Sheriff Alex

                    he Los Angeles County    Inmate Reception Center (IRC); and   5,000 inmates receive some level
                    Sheriff’s Department     the Pitchess Detention Center (PDC)   of mental health treatment weekly,
                    (LASD) serves an area    complex with its four jails—East,   accounting for almost 40% of
                    totaling over 4,000 square  North, South, and North County   the total daily inmate population.
           Tmiles with a population of       Correctional Facility (NCCF). MCJ   TTCF houses the majority of these
           more than 10 million people. It is the   is the largest facility in the system   moderate to severe patients making
           largest sheriff’s department in the   with an average population of almost   it the de facto largest mental health
           nation with approximately 18,000   4,000 inmates, and CRDF is the    facility in the world with almost
           employees. LASD provides general   largest women’s jail in country with   3,000 inmates housed daily. It
           law enforcement services to over 42   an average of 1,400 inmates.   is also the location of one of the
           contract cities; 141 unincorporated   Approximately 45% of inmates in   nation’s model programs—the
           communities; 9 community colleges;   LA County jails are pretrial. LASD is   Forensic Inpatient Psychiatric (FIP-
           37 Superior Courts; and 216 facilities,   responsible for transporting more   Stepdown) unit—that helps provide
           hospitals, and clinics located    than 1,000 inmates to and from     rehabilitation and normalcy to
           throughout the county.                                               those with severe mental illness.
                                             court daily. Besides those who are in
           In 2020, there were more than     pretrial status or partially sentenced,   Approximately 60% of the general
           300,000 arrests resulting in      those fully sentenced may be serving   population also receives medical
           100,000-plus bookings into the jail   county time or state time under   services daily. These services include,
           system. LASD oversees an average   California’s AB109 Public Safety   but are not limited to, medication
           daily population of approximately   Realignment provisions. This has   administration, examinations,
           15,000 inmates—down from over     resulted in a very diverse population   diagnostic testing, and treatment.
           17,000 before COVID-19—in 7       who may be housed anywhere from    Services may be provided at one
           custody facilities throughout the   a few hours to over a decade.    of the jail’s clinics, in outpatient
           county. These facilities include Men’s   The unique population necessitates   housing, in a subacute setting at the
           Central Jail (MCJ); Twin Towers   numerous support services and      Correction Treatment Center, or in
           Correctional Facility (TTCF); Century   programs. For example, more than   the jail ward at one of the county
           Regional Detention Facility (CRDF);                                  hospitals.

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