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terminal interface, communicating   personnel who could quickly        On a smaller scale, heart
           to the officer if there is a medical   approve the administration of   monitoring is commonly used and
           problem or emergency. As the      necessary medicines.               available to the public in watch
           officer transports an arrestee to jail,   Diabetes is just one common   technology (Grothous, 2020). The
           she is intermittently watching the   illness or disease. What if inmates   merging of these technologies into
           subject through the rear view mirror   with other illnesses could wear   handcuffs, or even wristbands,
           for any signs of distress, but she   a similar device capable of     could save lives. But why stop at
           also knows the “smart restraints”   scanning and delivering necessary   wristbands? This technology could
           are watching the subject’s health   medication for many other common   possibly be integrated into jail cells
           for them. Instead of a potential   illnesses, such as asthma, high   by way of bedding, the bed itself, or
           tragedy occurring during transport,   blood pressure, or MAT (medication   the jail clothing.
           the technology integrated into the   assistant treatments like Suboxone   Although there will be a cost to
           restraints remove the guesswork   or Methadone)?                     develop smart-jail technology, it will
           that unknown variables can present                                   ease burdens on staff and increase
           from substance abuse and mental   Artificial Intelligence            their ability to provide better care to
           and medical health problems.         Artificial intelligence (AI) is   the inmate population. In turn, this
           This future technology could be a   already being employed in custody   could save counties from having to
           highly effective warning system to   settings abroad. China and Hong   pay out large sums of money from
           rendering aid before ever arriving at   Kong recently announced that their   wrongful death suits. Although AI
           the county jail.                  governments are introducing new    can be a critical part of enhancing
             A look at a similar device proves   AI technology to monitor inmates   inmate safety, there is another issue
           the technology exists but hasn’t   every minute of every day in      of even more importance.
           yet been developed as a means     some prisons. In Hong Kong, the
           to better care for inmates. For   government is testing Fitbit-like   To Seek Out and Avoid the Perils
           example the Continuous Glucose    devices to monitor individual’s    of Facility Deficits
           Monitor, or CMG, has the ability   locations and activities, including   We would be remiss if we
           to not only continually monitor   their heart rates, at all times (Bala   didn’t also look at the elephant in
           the glucose level in the blood of a   & Trautman, 2019). One prison   the room: deaths in custody due
           diabetic patient, but also to send a   in mainland China is using such   to a mental health crisis. How
           text to a designated cell phone or   devices to monitor and track the   costly are wrongful deaths for
           monitoring device with warnings   movement of inmates in real-       jails? In 2019 Mendocino County
           when the patient’s glucose is low   time, which then shares the data   settled a wrongful death suit
           or high. In addition, these monitors   with software that can analyze   for $5 million. According to the
           can inject necessary insulin at the   behavior and send an alert when   coroner’s report, the decedent died
           time of need. How does this work   abnormalities are discovered.     from methamphetamine toxicity
           and not be turned into contraband?   Following a similar AI model,   associated with violent struggle.
           When the device is tampered with   correctional facilities in the United   In 2018, a case that involved the
           or not in contact with the patient,   States could result in a more rapid   Monterey County Jail cost $825,000
           it can send an alarm. The needle in   response to inmates in distress,   for that county and the California
           these devices is even smaller than a   whether it is through self-harm,   Forensic Medical Group.
           thumb tac and the entire device is   assault, or a natural crisis.     A case in Lake County settled for
           smaller than a watch face. To make   Comparable monitoring devices   more than $2 million, and a more
           a weapon out of that would be     have been in use since the 1960s   recent case from Huntington Beach
           difficult and the benefit outweighs   with NASA, which was looking   was filed in 2019 by the family of a
           any danger.                       into and developing better ways to   woman who claimed officers should
             Just for a moment imagine       remote monitor. In the 1970s, The   have provided her with psychiatric
           the use of CMGs in a county jail   Kaiser Foundation International   help during her time in custody. She
           population. Gone would be the     partnered with Lockheed Missiles   died shortly after release. Although
           multiple nurse visits with carts   and Space Company to create a     these figures are staggering, the
           carrying medications and sharps   remote monitoring system capable   cost of human life should not be
           to housing each day. Instead, a   of providing healthcare delivery   determined by our inability to care
           diabetic inmate would wear a CMG   that integrated into a rural location   for those whom we incarcerate
           that can inject medicine and capture   limited medical services (Gruessner,   due to lack of proper medical and
           needed data. It would also send   2015).                             mental healthcare.
           this data electronically to medical

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