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NCCHC Jail Commander Conversations:

                                 Utilization of Inmate Workers

             This standard defines when and   recommended best practices          workers in clinical areas. During
             how an inmate worker can provide   to follow:                        the survey, it was observed the
             assistance in the health services area.   •  The policy must stipulate when,   inmate was providing direct
             It clearly stipulates that inmate works   where, and in what the inmate   patient care, which is beyond what
             cannot be substitutes for qualified   worker can participate. In the   is allowable in the standard.
             health staff even in times when the   policy, remind staff that inmates   •  The facility has inmates participate
             correctional facility is understaffed.  are not substitutes for health staff   in medication passes, which is not
                                                and that they cannot provide      supported by the standard due to
             Why Is This Important?             direct patient care.              patient safety issues.
               Understaffed correctional facilities   •  Other than those in a reentry   •  There is no formal program or
             may be tempted to use inmates      training program, inmates are not   policy that describes what inmates
             in health care delivery to perform   permitted to:                   enrolled in the reentry program
             services for which civilian health   — Distribute or collect sick calls.  are allowed and not allowed to do.
             staff are not available. Studies have                             •  The policy and procedure for
             shown that when inmate workers are   — Schedule appointments.        inmate workers enrolled in the
             used as adjunct health staff, there is   — Transport or view medical   reentry program did not describe
             an increased risk to both the patient   records.                     a patient’s right to refuse care
             and the facility. Their assignment   — Handle or administer          delivered by inmates in the health
             to health services for direct patient   medications.                 care training program (dental
             care frequently and unknowingly                                      assistant, nursing assistant).
             violates state laws, invites litigation,   — Handle surgical instruments
             discredits the health staff’s expertise,   and sharps.            Potential Contributing Factors
             breaches patient confidentiality, and   •  For inmates in a peer health-  •  Facility staff did not understand
             gives inmates unwarranted power    related/health care training      all the components involved with
             over their peers who may be in a   or reentry program, they are      developing and implementing an
             vulnerable state.                  permitted to:                     inmate worker program.
               Now, in some circumstances,      — Assist in activities of daily   •  Facility did not understand all
             inmates may be appropriately          living.                        the components involved in
             assigned to help the health staff with   — Participate in a buddy system   developing a reentry health care
             routine tasks. For example, provided   for non-acutely suicidal      training program.
             there is sufficient supervision,      inmates after documented    •  Policies and procedures were
             inmates may be employed to clean      training.                      not complete and lacked clear
             the health services unit, assemble   — Participate in hospice programs   documentation on what an inmate
             charts, assemble health record        after documented training (see   worker who is not enrolled in the
             forms, work in a laboratory that      F-07 standards for Care for    health care training program can
             makes prosthetic devices, or handle   Terminally Ill).               perform.
             biohazardous waste (only after                                    •  Facility did not have a process
             proper training).                                                    that supports an inmate’s right to
               Because there is a growing need   NCCHC Sample Survey              refuse care delivered by inmates
             to develop job skills in the inmate   Observations from Surveyors    in the reentry health care training
             population, properly established   Not in Compliance                 program (e.g., dental assistant,
             reentry health care training programs   Observations                 nursing assistant).
             can be a useful endeavor. If the   •  Inmate workers not enrolled in   •  Policies and procedures are not
             facility has such training programs,   the health care training program   in alignment with all NCCHC
             special care should be given to    are working with minimal to no    compliance indicators in the
             maintain patient’s privacy and access   supervision in medical areas.  standards.
             to care.                         •  Inmates were assigned to collect
                                                sick-call slips, which is not   •  Facility expanded the scope of
                                                                                  inmate workers to include direct
             Standards and Indicators of        supported by the standards.       patient care without consulting
             Compliance                       •  Inmates are utilized for constant   the standards or understanding
               Inmate workers assigned to the   observation for acutely suicidal   state laws and regulations that
             health services area cannot provide   inmates with no other constant   frequently prohibit the use of
             direct patient care, unless they are   observation process in place. This   inmates in care delivery processes.
             enrolled in a health care training   is not acceptable or supported by
             program. To assist with developing   the standards.                   Checklist for self-assessment
             and implementing an inmate worker   •  The facility has not developed
             program or a reentry health training   a comprehensive policy and     on next page.
             program, the following are the     procedure for the use of inmate

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