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inside correctional health

             Self-Assessment for                How do they know if an        Handle or administer
             Identifying Potential               inmate worker has been          medications.
             Challenges in your Facility         enrolled in the reentry       Handle surgical
                                                 health care training            equipment or sharps.
             Review Policy and Procedures        program?                    By working with the health
              Do facility policies and         How do they know what        services administrator,
                procedures address all           an inmate worker is          verify that inmate workers
                aspects of the NCCHC             permitted to do in clinical   are not utilized as adjunct
                standard including when,         areas and what they are      health care staff. This
                                                 not permitted to do?
                where, and what an inmate                                     practice is not supported by
                worker can do?                Ask the healthcare staff if    the standards.
                                               they know the following:
              Are there specific policies                                   Ask the healthcare staff if
                related to the assignment of    How do they differentiate    inmate workers enrolled
                inmate workers in clinical       an inmate worker from        in the health care training
                                                 those enrolled in a health
                                                 care training program?       program are limiting their
              Are there specific policies      How do they know what        work to the following:
                related to the assignment of     the inmate worker is          Assist patients in
                inmates who are enrolled         permitted to do?                activities of daily living
                in reentry health training      How do they know what           (expect of infirmary care-
                programs?                        the inmate enrolled in          level care).
              Do the policies state what        a health care training        Participate in a buddy
                the health care training         program is permitted to         system for non-acutely
                enrollee is permitted to do      do?                             suicidal inmates after
                and not permitted to do?                                         documented training.
              Do the policies protect       Assess the Environment            Participate in hospice
                                                                                 programs after
                the rights of patients by     Verify that inmates who           documented training (see
                allowing them the right        are not enrolled in a health      standards related to Care
                to refuse care delivered       care training program do          for the Terminally Ill).
                by inmates enrolled in the     not provide direct patient
                reentry health care training   care or make any treatment   Key Takeaways
                program?                       decisions.                    Any issues that come up
              Is there a process to          Ask the health services        during your discussions
                continually monitor/           administrator to show you      might include opportunities
                provide supervision of         the policies and procedures    to enhance policy,
                all inmate workers in the      on inmate workers and          procedures, or training
                clinical areas?                verify how they are utilized   curriculum.
                                               in clinical areas.
                                                                             CQI process studies are a
             Talk with Custody and the        Ask the healthcare staff if    great way to understand
             Healthcare Team                   inmate workers participate     specific root causes and can
              Ask custody staff the           in any of following items      help to focus improvement
                following:                     which are not permitted by     efforts where needed.
                 How do they know an          the standards:               Share what you learned with
                  inmate has been cleared       Distribute or collect sick-  your custody staff and the
                  to participate in the          call slips.                healthcare team.
                  inmate worker program?        Schedule appointments.
                  How are they notified?        ransport or view health

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