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                            Lisa Peck, CJM, Lieutenant, Detention Division,
                            Mesa County Sheriff’s Office, Grand Junction, Colorado

                     Hello, my name is Lisa Peck. I am a lieutenant with the Mesa County Sheriff’s Office in Grand
                     Junction, Colorado and have been working in the Detention Facility for 20 years. I hold a bachelor’s
                     degree in criminal justice administration, and I am a member of Class #11 National Jail Leadership
                     Academy. I also have been a Certified Jail Manager since 2013 and served on AJA’s Jail Manager
                     Certification Commission from 2016 to 2021.

                     •  I decided to enter the field   •  The most unusual job I’ve   •  One item from my personal
                       of corrections and make it     ever had was… When I was        “bucket list” is to… travel
                       my career because… I had       working for the airlines, one   to Ireland and explore the
                       always had an interest in      of my duties in the winter      countryside.
                       law enforcement, but did       was to de-ice the airplanes. It   •  I am most proud of… my
                       not have the certification     involved being on a platform    son and the obstacles he has
                       to start as a patrol deputy. I   in a mobile tower that was    overcome to become the
                       did not think there were any   pulled by a vehicle and you     person he is today.
                       other options without that     sprayed glycol with a high   •  My motto is… “If you always
                       certification. I had attended   pressure hose. You usually     do what you have always
                       a Citizens Police Academy      got as much of it on you as     done, you will always be
                       through the Sheriff’s Office   you did the airplane when it    what you have always been.”
                       and found that corrections     was windy.
                       was an option that would     •  I felt it was important to be a   •  If there is one piece of
                       be a good start to a law       member of AJA and serve on      advice I’d like to give
                       enforcement career. I started   the board and commission…      to anyone considering
                       in the jail and was intending   Working in jails is not always   corrections as a career, it
                       to go to the academy and       recognized as a career, and     would be… to be a good
                       move to a patrol function.     AJA has made it their goal      communicator. You will
                       However, I found that I really   for corrections to be seen    be working in a profession
                       enjoyed working in the jail    as a profession as well as      where how and what you
                       and that this was the career   to educate and empower          say can make the difference
                       that I wanted.                 those who work in jails. As     in the outcome of situations
                     •  My favorite way to relax is…   a member of the board, I       you will face throughout
                                                                                      your career. Your words are
                       to read, listen to music, go to   can be a part of how we can   often the best tool you have
                       the mountains to ride ATVs,    continue to bring awareness     available to you, and being
                       and hike.                      and support for those issues    an effective communicator
                                                      we face in jails every day, as   will benefit you as well as
                                                      well as look at how we can      your team and your agency.
                                                      bring positive change to the

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