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Guest Editorial
                       Continued from page 5

                       our perimeter for more than 10   One of the biggest concerns   Show the Public We Exist
                       years. We lovingly named this   of this generation is identity   In conclusion, let’s put
                       cat “Misdemeanor.”            and diversity. Throughout my   ourselves out there. Let’s show
                         I can do a mean Running     career, I have realized that I am   the public that we exist, that
                       Man. Last year, we had a slew   lucky enough to be working   we are humans and that they
                       of officers humorously talking   in a highly diverse field. Every   do not need to be afraid of us.
                       about creating a lip-sync video   day I am surrounded by     Let’s show the community that
                       to a Britney Spears’ song with   coworkers from different walks   we do work in a noble field,
                       the hashtag #freebritney. These   of life. We are comprised of a   and we wear our badges with
                       are all things that would be fun   team of individuals of varying   pride, not shame.
                       to share with the world and can   races, cultural identities, sexual   Corrections is not just a job
                       help destigmatize our image.   orientations, religions, and   to us, but part of our identity.
                       We have the technology, the   gender identities.             I am proud to be a corrections
                       means, and the motivation. I     I work with people whose    officer. I would like to share
                       think it’s time to make that shift.  hobbies include hunting and   that with the world—and
                                                     fishing, video games, marathon   perhaps we all should.
                       Don’t Start a Boy Band        running, slot cars, and even
                         Now I’m not saying to jump   ballroom dancing. Some of
                       in cold turkey and start a boy   us are adult students who are   Officer Anthony Schein, CJO,
                       band. Perhaps start small.    still pursuing a degree. Some   has been a correctional officer
                                                                                    at the Northwestern Regional
                       Create or revamp your social   of us are the angry mom at the   Adult Detention Center in
                       media pages. Millennials tend   little league game who really   Winchester, Virginia since 2011.
                       to favor Facebook. Generation   disagrees with the umpire’s   Working through numerous
                       Z (or “Zoomers”) tend to      call. My point is this: Every one   posts such as direct supervision,
                       gravitate toward Instagram,   of us has a story to tell, and it is   booking, special management,
                                                                                    and community corrections, he
                       and they are slowly creeping   unique. But one thing brings us   is currently the Home Electronic
                       into our work force as well.  together, and that is our career   Monitoring Officer. Corrections is
                         Everyone loves YouTube.     in corrections.                a part of him, and he hopes to do
                       Think about making a modern      If we want to assimilate    what he can to advance the field.
                                                                                    He is a lifetime member of AJA
                       recruitment video, showing all   this generation into our ranks,   and a Certified Jail Officer. He can
                       the opportunities and positions   then we need to adjust to a   be contacted at
                       your facility has to offer. Don’t   new mentality. Veterans of
                       forget to mention competitive   the industry may look at this
                       pay and retirement! Send your   mentality as a weakness, and
                       staff to job fairs, and ask them   this train of thought is an
                       to volunteer for charity events.   adjustment for me as well.
                       The old ways of newspapers    While this may be one of the
                       and word of mouth just do not   biggest culture shocks yet, I
                       have the same effect anymore.  see it as necessary. I also see
                                                     it as inevitable. So instead of
                                                     resisting this change, we must
                                                     embrace it and make it our own.

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