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AJA Industry AffIlIAte MeMbers
American Correctional Association
American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal Employees
care of their gifts while their master goes on a journey. (See, God Association of Women Executives in
can look into each of his servants and know exactly how each Corrections (AWEC)
would use their gift.) Bill Glass Behind the Walls
One servant received five talents (a talent was believed to be
worth 20 years of wages), another servant was given three talents, Catholic Charities
and the last was given one talent. The first two invested their Colorado Jail Association
talents. However, the third servant decided to hide his talent by
burying them in the ground. Companions Journeying Together
When their master returns home, he calls his servants to learn Correction Captains’ Association, Inc.
how they increased their talents. How they invested their talents
would inform their future as a servant. The two servants who Freedom Forever Ministries
invested in their talents increased value of their gifts. However, Good News Jail & Prison Ministry
the servant who chose not to invest his talent—who buried his
talent—decreased the worth of his gift. It is not hard to guess the IAHV Prison Program/Formally
future of the third servant. Prison Smart
Institute for Higher Education Policy
Which “Servant” Are You?
The value in reflecting past events is that it prepares us for Michigan Sheriffs’ Coordinating &
what God has in store for us in the future. Reviewing your Training Council
experiences during the past year, what gifts did you receive and Middle Atlantic States Correctional
how did you “invest” them? Which “servant” were you? Association (MASCA)
In fact, the policies and procedures that allow us to efficiently Missouri Sheriffs’ Association
operate our jails often call for us to “look back.” We are often
required to evaluate the different situations we encountered when National Commission on Correctional
serving as a corrections officer. Oftentimes, this reflection brings Health Care
to light the benefit of protection that God provides to each one of New Jersey County Jail Wardens
us. Perhaps your gift required you to perform in a significant use- Association
of-force event or you were needed to assist with the prevention
of an inmate’s death. Maybe the investment of your gift was to North Carolina Jail Administrators’
help someone go through addiction withdrawal, deliver a baby, or Association
provide an intervention that helped an inmate reach a milestone. Policy Research, Inc.
All of these scenarios are investments of your “talents.”
Looking back this past year will also decide how you invest The Rape Crisis Center
your talents in the coming year. Not only inside the walls, but San Joaquin County Correctional
also in your personal life. As you review your talents in 2021, Officers Association
I encourage you to find and use the positive investments that South Carolina Jail Administrators’
occurred both professionally and personally. I suspect you will see Association
the growth that each one of us experiences in our journey of life.
I pray that each one of you has a positive spiritual advisor Story Chain
who can help you to navigate the past and encourage you for the University Enterprises Corporation
Virginia Association of Regional Jails
Chaplain Wisconsin Jail Association
American Jail Association