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chaplain’s corner
Looking Back to Move Forward
Once again, the pandemic has taken this to a the past and to look forward to
previous year has placed whole new level. Even if we the future. This reflection often
significant challenges haven’t uttered it ourselves, I came in the form of parables or
on everyone serving am certain each one of us has stories.
in our nation’s jails. heard the phrase “I’m ready to
Without question, the go back to normal” multiple Parable of the Rich Man and
year 2020 has taught times. His Three Servants
each one of us how to In his life, Jesus encountered In Matthew 25:14–30, Jesus
adapt and change in so many challenges to his tells us a story about a wealthy
many different ways and ministry. After all, He came man and his three servants. We
to resolve any conflict to change our relationship can easily place God in the role
or unusual situation with God. That is, he arrived as the wealthy man and us as
Shane Dotson, MS, CCE from a very different to teach us a new perspective one of the man’s three servants.
perspective. and to provide us with a In this parable, the three
As correctional professionals, new living situation. And He servants are entrusted with
we are accustomed to the promoted the art of reflection to three different levels of worth,
need for change. However, the encourage others to learn from and they are instructed to take
Certified Jail Supervisor
A person (sworn or civilian) in front-line and/or mid-level management who supervises
the work and performance of an employee or employee(s) in a jail facility for
one year or more.
The Certified Jail Supervisor certification is for mid-level managers. Candidates are
tested on their general knowledge of:
Management Environment/Equipment/Technology
Legal/Safety/Security Special Populations
Professional Issues Support Services
Apply today at
For more information, contact Kim Eichelberger at or 301–857–2323.