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Certification in 2021:

           Excitement Is in the Air

               he AJA Certification
               Department experienced an
           Tincrease in applications in 2020
           despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
           By switching to the online testing
           platform PowerDMS, candidates
           now have the ability to take exams
           at their facility in the presence of
           a proctor. This is an advantage
           because they are in a familiar envi-
           ronment and do not have to worry
           about traveling to another site and
           meeting with an unfamiliar person    During AJA’s virtual confer-    Trainer program, and we are creat-
           in order to take the exam.        ence, Colonel Jared Schechter      ing a provisional CJO program for
             To date, AJA proudly has 337    (Jail Manager Certification        correctional students attending
           Certified Jail Managers, 21 Certified   Commissioner Vice Chair) and   the Tennessee College of Applied
           Jail Supervisors, and 434 Certified   AJA Certification Manager Kim   Technology (TCAT).
           Jail Officers. Our main goal has   Eichelberger held a successful      AJA has disbanded the pre-
           been to promote the certification   iConnect Live question-and-answer   vious commission for the CCT
           programs and to educate applicants   session for attendees interested in   certification. We will begin to solicit
           on what supporting documents      certifications. The live chat pro-  applications for five new CCT com-
           are required during the application   vided an opportunity for attendees   missioners who will be appointed
           submission to avoid a delay in the   to ask questions about submitting   by our board to serve five-year
           processing time. The department   applications, supporting docu-     terms. They will hit the ground
           strives to provide an answer to   ments, and the application process.   running by reviewing and updating
           the candidate within two weeks of   Attendees were also invited to   the existing CCT application and
           application submission.           schedule a one-on-one meeting with   screening process to streamline it
                                             Ms. Eichelberger to ask more spe-
             Marketing efforts this year                                        for new applications and recertifica-
           include adding certification testimo-  cific questions regarding trainings   tions. In addition, they will col-
           nial videos to our website, offering   or classes they have taken.   laborate to create a new CCT exam,
           virtual training on certifications,   AJA would like to thank outgo-  combining questions from the old
           and working with agency liaisons   ing JMCC Chair Lisa Peck for her five   test and inserting new questions
           to share information at their facili-  years of dedicated service and leader-  based on commissioner suggestions.
           ties. Certification numbers often   ship. We wish her well and congratu-  AJA is also excited to join forces
           fluctuate due to retirements and   late her as she moves on to the Board   with TCAT to provide a provisional
           the choice not to recertify after four   of Directors. And we extend a warm   CJO pilot program for correctional
           years. Certified Jail Officers appear   welcome to Dr. John Johnson, from   officer candidates. Candidates who
           to have the most turnover, possibly   the Miami-Dade Corrections and   graduate from TCAT can take the
           because officers choose to leave   Rehabilitation Department, who was   CJO exam. Those who pass the
           the field before their certification   appointed to fill the JMCC vacancy.  exam and work at a correctional
           expires.                             Two exciting changes are coming   facility for one full year become a
                                             to the Certification Department in   Certified Jail Officer. 
                                             2021. AJA has assumed sole owner-
                                             ship of the Certified Correctional

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