Page 36 - 2021_JA_Complete2
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“It’s okay not to be
And that, my friends, with respect. “Treat
is exactly what we okay, and we’re people with dignity,
did.” with humanity,” she
She described the con- going to talk said. “Treat people like
ference call during which you would want to be
she was sworn in to office treated.” She called the past
by Elias Diggins, and how about this.” year the most challenging
immediately thereafter the asso- one of her career. “It taught us
ciation “got to work” in the midst that we are fierce. We are fearless.
of a pandemic. AJA offered free We are loyal. We are dedicated,”
virtual training to members and she said. “We deal with stress and
nonmembers alike because “we felt vicarious trauma daily. And we
we needed to be the leaders in the oath of office to Ms. Lambert. The write our reports and move on, and
time of turmoil,” President Travis two exchanged a ceremonial hand- we don’t wear our emotions on our
said. AJA took a stance on social shake before slapping a celebratory sleeve.”
justice, recognizing that inequities high-five. President Lambert then Taking into account the toll that
exist in the system, and continued swore in the 2021–2022 Officers and such demands can have on employ-
the work of striving for Gender Board of Directors. “So, 2020. Wow. ees, President Lambert has chosen
Equity in Jails, establishing a part- Tough times, very challenging,” she Staff Health and Wellness as this
nership with the National Institute said. “But we do what we do; and year’s President’s Initiative. “We’ve
of Corrections. “But, friends, we’re we rose to the occasion.” got to get education to our crews,
not done. We must do better in the In her first remarks as AJA presi- to those people who support our
future” she said. “We need to figure dent, she thanked her parents, her operations day-in and day-out,” she
out a way to break through those three adult children, and her hus- said. “I am so fortunate to be given
barriers that often cause young band for their years of love and sup- this platform.… It’s okay not to be
women to seek other careers.” port as she rose through the ranks okay, and we’re going to talk about
Then, in a historic moment for of a demanding career. She also this.” She vowed in the coming
AJA, Ms. Travis, AJA’s seventh thanked her colleagues in Prince year to have tough conversations,
female president, passed the gavel William County, Virginia for push- to develop peer networking at the
to Mandy Lambert—the associa- ing her and challenging her during national level, and to “champion
tion’s eighth female president. This her 36-year career. “Jail people are this cause because it affects every
is the first time in the association’s amazing. We come with incredible single one of us.”
40 years that the presidential gavel traits. We come with incredible per- With no further business to dis-
has passed between women. “I love severance,” she said. “We are kind cuss, President Lambert called upon
that this year is just full of history,” when we need to be. We are tough 3rd Vice President Leslie Hood to
Ms. Travis said. “How’s that for when we need to be.” give the closing prayer on behalf
timing?” President Lambert also thanked of Chaplain Shane Dotson who
In her final duty as AJA presi- the mentors who guided her and attended the meeting virtually. The
dent, Ms. Travis administered the taught her to always treat people business meeting was adjourned at
10:46 a.m.
Division 16, Isolation Century Regional
Compound Detention Facility
Cook County Los Angeles County
Department of Sheriff’s Department
Corrections Lynwood, California
Chicago, Illinois
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