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Plenary Keynote Speaker: Rob Weinhold

           A                                                   you because you see a path forward,” he said. “You see a
                 worldwide pandemic. Natural disasters.
                                                               way out. You see resolution that maybe others can’t see.”
                 An economic downturn.
                   These are just a few of the events that made
                                                                 According to Weinhold, great leaders teach, commu-
           the last 16 months some of the most challenging in the   nicate, motivate, empower, and hold people account-
           history of the United States. These difficult times forced   able. “But they are also optimistic, so that the light at
           people to change how they lived their lives, how they   the end of the tunnel is a path forward and not a train,”
           prepared for the future, and how they viewed leaders   he said.
           in their communities.                                 Weinhold challenged those watching his address to
             “We know it’s not a matter of if, but a matter    take a hard look at those with whom they have chosen
           of when crisis occurs,” said Rob Weinhold, Chief    to surround themselves: “Are these people that make
           Executive of the Fallston Group, in his keynote address   you better? Who are you hitching your wagon to, to be
           on Tuesday morning. “You don’t need to go looking for   successful—professionally and personally?” Surround
           crisis, because it will absolutely find you.”       yourself with the right people, he said, but take it one
             Weinhold, who is considered an expert leadership   step further. “Take a look in the mirror. Do you make
           and communications strategist, talked about crises in   life difficult for those people around you, or do you
           the workplace that demand strong action—investiga-  motivate them relentlessly every single day?”
           tions, litigation, data breaches, bad press, and social   In closing, Weinhold described the two attributes
           media attacks. He said short-term adversity can be   displayed by people who can cycle through crisis the
           turned into long-term advantage with proper prepa-  quickest:
           ration. “There’s no question in my mind that crisis is   •  They admit they are in crisis; they realize something
           opportunity,” he said. “Crisis can actually be a growth   is wrong, and they are beginning to lose control.
           strategy as you can be bigger, faster, and stronger after   •  They reach out to their trusted network for help,
           than before.”
                                                                 perspective, and advice.
             Crises are caused by two types of issues—smoldering
                                                                 “I don’t care how good you are, when you are in the
           and sudden. Smoldering issues are the cause of nearly   bull’s-eye, you don’t make the best decisions,” he said,
           75% of crises, Weinhold said. And nearly 20% of crises   noting that vulnerability is not a weakness but rather a
           result from mismanagement. “As leaders, we know     sign of strength. “Tap others on the shoulder you trust.
           about issues, but we fail to confront them,” he said.
                                                               Get their perspective, because they will help you navi-
             There are many reasons that leaders don’t confront   gate your way through the storm.”
           issues, everything from ego to embarrassment to a lack
           of skills to handle the issues. Some leaders simply don’t
           act, thinking tomorrow will be better than today; others
           don’t like difficult situations so they delegate. “You can
           delegate authority,” Weinhold said, “but you
           can never delegate accountability.”
             Weinhold listed the following seven
           characteristics of resilient leaders:
           •  Integrity
           •  Communication
           •  Decisiveness
           •  Optimism                                                                   Keynote Speaker
                                                                                           sponsored by
           •  Responsibility
           •  Resilient Culture
           •  Behavioral Body Armor
             Among those characteristics, the
           No. 1 predictor of success in Navy
           SEALs is optimism. “Being optimistic
           means that people have confidence in

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