Page 35 - 2021_JA_Complete2
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Executive Director Daniels gave without the presenters, the modera-
the treasurer’s report on behalf of tors, and everyone who is willing to
AJA Treasurer Eddie Lance, who give freely of their time, this truly
attended the meeting virtually. In would not be possible,” she said.
addition, changes to AJA Bylaws In her final remarks as presi-
5.03 (Number and Qualifications dent, President Travis reflected
of Directors), 7.02 (Election, on the decision made by AJA in
Designation, and Term of Office) and stakeholders in the criminal March 2020 to cancel the confer-
and 7.05 (Vacancies in Office) were justice system, and that makes a dif- ence in Aurora, Colorado, at what
approved by a vote of members ference in our local facilities.” she called “one of the most beauti-
using the chat function online. President Travis recognized ful sites ever selected for an AJA
President Travis then reflected on Conference Planning Committee meeting.” Travis said the difficult
the past year, saying that “AJA was Chairman Darren Sieger and the decision caused her to reflect and
as productive and forward thinking committee members for their hard to remember her roots. “We’re jail
as we have ever been.” She pointed work and dedication to creating a people. We know how to deal with
to the association’s legislative diverse selection of workshops and problems,” she said. “We hit it
efforts on Capitol Hill, noting “we ensuring an engaging conference head-on and we get the job done.
are more connected with Congress experience. “Truly, without Darren,
Honoring the FRANCIS R.
Best of the Best DISTINGUISHED
JA is committed to the professional growth of our nation’s Stephen Church
jails. Dedicated people who work long and hard to ensure
Atheir organizations grow professionally can be found in Superintendent
every agency. The 2021 Award recipients were nominated by Rockingham County
their agencies for their exceptional dedication and service. They Department of
will be recognized by their peers October 24–26, 2021 at the AJA Corrections
Health & Wellness Summit for Jail Professionals in Columbus, Brentwood,
Ohio. Visit for a video of their recognition New Hampshire
at the 40th Conference & Jail Expo.