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Jail security staff carry the freight The present study used a non- The subject is not an inmate. To
when dealing with mentally ill, intrusive cranial electrotherapy avoid encounters with law enforce-
physically violent, and verbally stimulator (CES) on a 21-year-old ment officers and courts, he would
aggressive inmates. A review of male with a diagnosis of TS. His not go to public places, such as
the literature found that when all symptoms began in childhood grocery stores and restaurants, nor
mental illnesses were considered, and ultimately developed into would he apply for jobs. At the time
60% of all jail inmates and 49% of physically violent attacks, verbally of the CES treatments, the client’s
all state and federal prison inmates abusive outrages, and significant symptoms had remained refractory
had some form of mental illness emotional issues. to pharmacological and psychologi-
(Schlanger, 2017). cal treatments.
Jails were also under the greater Research Design
stress given higher rates of inmates The present study is exploratory The Independent Variable
with major depression (30%) versus and used a single-case study design. As noted above, a CES device has
state and federal prisons (23%). The As noted above, it addressed the proved to be an effective treatment
frequency of inmates diagnosed utilization of the CES, a non-inva- for a variety of psychological condi-
with psychosis was also greater in sive technology, as a treatment for tions, especially for the treatment of
jails (24%) than in state and federal a violent, aggressive subject with a depression, anxiety, and insomnia.
prisons (15%). It is clear that jail diagnosis of TS. There have been more than 100
security officers are confronted with published research articles (Kirsch,
a higher percentage of inmates with The Subject 2002) demonstrating the effective-
mental illnesses. The subject was a 21-year-old ness of these devices with many
In its more advanced stages, Caucasian male who had suffered different mental and medical dis-
Tourette syndrome (TS) can put jail with TS since early childhood. His orders; however, only one research
security officers, as well as inmates, symptoms included rolling eyes, article was found to have addressed
at risk for physical harm. A Swedish whining like a dog, and head jerk- its use for the treatment of TS (Qiao
study of this NDD found 6 of 100 ing. Because of harassments from et al., 2015). Results from that one
Swedish violent prison inmates fellow students and some school study were positive.
were diagnosed with TS (Billstedt, faculty, he was removed from The CES device is hand-held and
2017). the local school at the end of the provides a proprietary square-wave
Treating the inmate with TS seventh grade and homeschooled electrical current with a range from
pharmacologically can be difficult. thereafter, until he completed high 100uA to 500uA (microamps). To turn
For example, Ukrainian researchers school. As an adult, he has been on a 60-watt light bulb, the amperage
(Yuryeva et al., 2019) described such plagued with rage attacks, impul- would have to be increased 11,000
a patient being treated with a drug sively throwing physical objects, times. The electrical current is sent
cocktail that included neuroleptics, cussing, racial slurs, and making to the brain via clips that attach to
second generation antipsychotics, inappropriate sexual comments. earlobes and is designed to stimu-
mood stabilizers, and anti-depres- Over the years, pharmacological late serotonin-producing neurons
sants along with traditional phar- treatments and counseling services to increase their production of the
macotherapy. Another approach to provided some degree of relief neurotransmitter. Side-effects are
treatment was brain intrusive, which from the tics and related negative minimal and generally resolved by
used deep-brain stimulation (placing emotions but not from engaging reducing microamps.
electrodes directly into the thala- in violent behavior and aggressive The present study is one that
mus or the globus pallisus areas of verbalizations. Previous treatments the principal researcher completed
the brain). This treatment provided applied to help the subject included: when examining the effectiveness of
some relief to general patients with • ADD medications when younger, CES in treating various populations,
TS. However, on a more positive • Buspirone for anxiety, including substance abusers (Mellen
note, five subjects in a study using & Parmer-Shedd, 2009), victims of
a different treatment—repetitive • Sobrenix to reduce the desire for domestic violence (Mellen, Case,
transcranial magnetic stimulation alcohol, & Ruiz, 2016), and impulsively
(non-intrusive)—reported a 67% • CBD oil for tics, violent inmates (Ruckers, Mellen,
reduction in tic severity while two • Hemp hulls for tics, & Manners, 2010), and in reducing
of the subjects reported complete • Essential oils for tics and stress levels in sheriff’s deputies
symptom remission (Eddy, Rickards, insomnia, (Mellen & Engle, 2008). In each case,
& Cavanna, 2011). important reductions were found in
• Magnesium for tics, and clinical symptoms and disruptive
• Liquid B12 for tics. behaviors.