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Christine Oliver (1990) to determine   IOR to better stabilize funding for   another organization—often a non-
           these motivations.                desired activities. It might be worth   governmental organization—take
             For this article, we want to focus   giving up a bit of control to provide   control of the project. This is not
           on two primary types of IORs: man-  better guarantees for the various   unique to criminal justice organiza-
           datory and voluntary. Mandatory   organizations to achieve their stated   tions. We have observed in several
           IORs are motivated by necessity. In   outcomes.                      government sectors a desire to
           this case, necessity refers to IORs   External organizations can also   control projects using contracts
           required by a higher legal or regula-  seek IORs with criminal justice   and subcontracts. In the end, this is
           tory authority than the criminal   organizations to enhance the per-  probably as much about efficiency
           justice organization. Because so   ceived legitimacy of the partnering   as control.
           much of what drives our IORs in   organization in the public eye. That   To summarize, once an organiza-
           criminal justice is funding, this   is, a perception of the partnering   tion has defined, or had defined for
           higher authority could be the fund-  organization providing services that   it, some problem to be addressed,
           ing agency that requires multiple   are needed in the community and   the selection of programs and
           types of organizations to be part of   delivered in a proper and appro-  partner organizations begins. We
           a funding application.            priate manner. Likewise, criminal   recommend some combination of
             Voluntary IORs may be moti-     justice agencies can seek IORs with   needs assessment and logic mod-
           vated by a range of factors that   other organizations to raise their   eling to operationally define the
           leaders believe are required in order   profile and bolster their legitimacy.   desired outcomes of the program or
           to achieve the desired outcomes of   One key decision here is whether   practice. From there, the EBP to be
           the organization. The first factor is   the criminal justice organization   implemented can be chosen.
           related to the initiating (or “index”)   views such partnership as the   We now turn to some ideas on
           organization’s motive to obtain   proper way to conduct business.    how the “responsible” organiza-
           resources needed to advance their    The final factor to explain     tion can choose the external orga-
           self-interests. If the initiating orga-  motivation for entering an IOR is   nizations that can best assist in the
           nization can get other organizations   “efficiency.” In this case, organiza-  implementation of the EBP and the
           to provide resources to achieve its   tions may enter an IOR to reduce   evaluation of its impact. Of course,
           outcomes, the motivation is cat-  costs through joint training, pur-  in some instances the partners may
           egorized as “asymmetrical.” This   chasing, or providing services in   be “mandatory.” In those situations
           is usually determined by observ-  a more cost-efficient manner. One   where choices can be made, we
           ing how lopsided the governance   motivational factor in this area is to   believe these choices are important.
           structure of IOR turns out to be. If   provide services that are not a part
           one organization calls the shots, the   of traditional correctional practice.   Selecting the “Right” EBP
           IOR is highly asymmetrical.       An IOR with the right organizations   Since we are using EBPs as our
             On the other hand, if organiza-  can achieve the additional services   example around which IORs could
           tions are motivated by consensus   without a major cost to the correc-  be developed, we want to focus on
           and cooperation in pursuit of     tional organization, especially in   selecting the appropriate types of
           mutual goals, we have the “reci-  terms of staffing.                 programs. This allows us to discuss
           procity” factor. Organizations that   When the reentry funding began   how to select partners for IORs in a
           tend to operate in the same out-  (Second Chance Act, in particu-    future article. We begin with a dis-
           come and funding environment      lar), we observed criminal justice   cussion of what constitutes an EBP.
           (“domain”) are more likely to     organizations entering the project   There was once a commercial
           form voluntary reciprocal IORs.   proposal development process       for a laxative product that sought
           The key difference between asym-  seeking reciprocal relations—the   to define “regular.” In the end,
           metrical IORs and those with      “hold hands and sing Kumbaya”      the advice was something like
           greater reciprocity is the amount of   approach. After a few years, we saw   “what’s regular for you is regular.”
           power and governance held by one   those same organizations seek more   The same cannot be said of EBPs.
           organization.                     asymmetrical relationships, where   Instead, selecting the right EBP for
             IORs can also be sought to      they had more authority in the pro-  your project is a matter of fitting the
           provide an element of “stability” to   posed IORs.                   practice/program to the problem—
           hedge against environmental uncer-   Sometimes this means the crimi-  or matching the intervention to the
           tainty. In periods of tight budget   nal justice organization tries to hold   outcome(s) you want to achieve.
           and grant funding, either the crimi-  most of the control over the situ-  Because we are working in the
           nal justice agency or the potential   ation. At other times, the criminal   justice field, these are the initial
           partner agencies may seek out an   justice organization seeks to make   requirements for a program/

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