Page 57 - 2021_JA_Complete2
P. 57

NCCHC Jail Commander

              Conversations: Inmate Deaths

              The Jail Commander               •  a clinical mortality review com-  •  The facility had three suicides
              Conversations document is          pleted within 30 days; and       since last survey but failed to
              an easy-to-use tool that gives   •  a psychological autopsy if the   conduct psychological autop-
              commanders an in-depth look        death is by suicide.             sies for any of the deaths.
              at frequently missed standards.    These three processes com-     •  A psychological autopsy was
              This tool helps commanders to    prise a death review.              not performed on all deaths
              initiate conversations with their                                   by suicide within 30 days or
              custody and health care teams      During a survey, NCCHC           shared with key personnel.
              about facility operations.       surveyors review the death/
                                               mortality log maintained by the   •  Custody and correctional

              Purpose of the Inmate            facility. The death/mortality log   health staff were not involved
                                                                                  in the post-mortem review
              Death Standard                   includes patient name and/or       processes or discussions.
                This standard provides a       identification number, age at time
              structure to conduct a thorough   of death, date of death, date of   •  Review findings were not
              review of all in-custody deaths.   clinical mortality review, date of   shared with treating or cor-
              Its purpose is to evaluate and   administrative review, cause of    rectional health staff.
              improve care processes to avoid   death (e.g., hanging, overdose,
              preventable deaths such as       respiratory failure), manner of   Potential Contributing Factors
              suicides.                        death (e.g., natural, suicide, homi-  •  Policies and procedures were
                                               cide, accidental), date pertinent   not clear on how to conduct
                                               review(s) findings were shared     an evaluation of inmate
              Why Is This Important?           with staff, and date of psycho-
                Although both health and       logical autopsy completed, if      deaths.
              custody staff strive to avoid    applicable.                      •  Policies and procedures
              preventable deaths, the reality                                     included the administrative
              is that suicide is a leading cause                                  and psychological autopsy
              of death in jails, accounting for   NCCHC Sample Survey             procedures, but were missing
              nearly a third of all in-custody   Observations from NCCHC          the clinical mortality review
              deaths.                          Surveyors                          procedure.
                When an inmate death occurs,   Observations Related to Inmate   •  Facility does not understand
              the event is reviewed to determine   Deaths                         the three components of a
              the appropriateness of clinical care   •  Facility has not maintained a   death review.
              and to ascertain whether changes   mortality log for the survey   •  Facility staff turnover; the
              are needed to screening protocols,   team to review.                death-review process was
              policies, and procedures. NCCHC                                     not assigned to a person in
              advocates for a three-pronged    •  Clinical mortality reviews were   the interim and therefore not
              approach when evaluating inmate    not conducted within 30 days.    completed.
              deaths regardless of the cause:    Most reviews were completed    •  The facility lacks training on
                                                 more than 60 days after the
              •  an administrative review con-   death occurred, which is not in   the procedure for correctional
                ducted with custody staff,       compliance with the standard.    health and custody staff.
                which may include a detailed
                after-action report or root    •  The administrative reviews
                cause analysis;                  were not conducted in con-
                                                 junction with custody staff.       Checklist for self-assessment
                                                                                    on next page.

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