Page 60 - 2021_JA_Complete2
P. 60

inside correctional health

            Discuss these questions to help identify all contributing factors that may have impacted this event.

                                                Risk Identification Questions
              Questions                                           Yes    No
              Was there any deviation from the expected work                   If yes, describe the deviation.
              process or procedures?
              If deviation occurred from the expected work process             If yes, describe the contribution.
              or procedures, was it likely to have contributed to the
              adverse event?

              Was the expected work process described in policy,               If yes, describe the source.
              procedure, and written guidelines or included in
              staff training?

              Was there a human action or inaction that contributed            If yes, describe how the actions
              to the adverse event?                                            contributed.

              Was there a defect, malfunction, misuse of, or absence           If yes, describe the equipment and
              of equipment that contributed to the event?                      how it appeared to contribute.

              Was the procedure/activity carried out by regular staff          If no, describe who carried out
              familiar with policies and procedures?                           the activity and why the regular
                                                                               staff were not involved.
              Did the involved staff have the correct skills and               If no, discuss the perceived
              training to carry out the tasks expected of them?                training opportunity or perceived
              Were the staffing levels considered adequate at the              If no, describe why/what
              time of the incident?                                            happened.
              Were there any additional staffing factors identified as         If yes, describe those factors.
              contributing to the adverse events?
              Was there a lack of communication or incomplete                  If yes, describe who, what, and
              communication that contributed to or caused the event?           how it contributed.
              Were there any environmental factors that contributed            If yes, describe the factors and
              or caused the adverse event?                                     how they contributed.

              Were there any organizational leadership factors                 If yes, describe the factors and
              contributing to or causing the event?                            how they contributed.

              Were there any assessment or planning factors that               If yes, describe the factors and
              contributed to or caused the event?                              how they contributed.

              Were there any other factors that are considered                 If yes, describe the factors and
              relevant to the adverse event?                                   how they contributed.
                                                   Risk-Reduction Actions
              List contributing factors by the most important factors and develop actions to reduce future risk.
              Date          Risk Area/Contributing Factor                      Corrective Action Plan

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