Page 64 - 2021_JA_Complete2
P. 64

notes from the field

                       ful crime-free existence, and   problems than those with     family members and relatives
                       the likelihood of gravitating   healthcare insurance who are   had some criminal behavior
                       toward gang affiliation is    more financially secure. This   and even served time in jail or
                       greatly enhanced as they may   also seems to correlate with   prison. This behavior by many
                       be seeking the love and secu-  healthier food choices.       was deemed acceptable; many
                       rity that a gang membership      Lower-income individuals    of their peers and even family
                       promises.                     may be less likely to pursue   members had exhibited similar
                                                     further educational programs,   behaviors.
                       Recommendation. For youth-    thereby securing less well-
                       ful offenders initially becoming   paying jobs. Stealing, robbery,   Lack of Positive Peers.
                       involved in the criminal justice   and selling drugs are means   Generally, repeat offenders
                       system, the following may be   of quickly securing more      tend to associate with those
                       considered to assist these indi-  money—an alternative to    with whom they have some-
                       viduals in avoiding a repeat   which many may turn.          thing in common—similar
                       offender status:                                             backgrounds, culture stan-
                       •  Big Brothers & Big Sisters   Recommendation. Programs     dards, and perhaps even
                         programs;                   for employment preparation     criminal records. People, places
                       •  volunteers in probation and   should be instituted in the   and things tell us a lot about a
                                                                                    person—the people with whom
                         parole;                     early stages of incarceration   one associates, the places they
                       •  carefully screened offenders   to prepare the offender for   go, and what they do. The
                                                     meaningful employment upon
                         who have made positive and   release and returning to society.   neighborhood and housing
                         successful adjustments; and  Certifications offered for partic-  where one resides affects to
                       •  senior citizens with appro-  ular careers while incarcerated   some degree with whom one
                         priate vetting and training.  are important. Also helpful are   may associate. If the individual
                                                     practical work assignments     is a high school dropout, then
                       Lower Income Level. More      while incarcerated; for exam-  they are more susceptible to
                       than 50% of the incarcer-     ple, food services, maintenance,   gang affiliation and crime.
                       ated population was from the   and computer science training.   Many repeat offenders did
                       lower-income strata. The fact   The facility may want to offer   not complete high school and
                       that they had limited income   college-level courses for further   associate with other dropouts,
                       may have resulted in having to   education. Budgets at respec-  placing them in this high-risk
                       reside in lower-income hous-  tive institutions are always   category. Unless there is strong
                       ing areas. There appears to be   critical to address these issues.  parental supervision and men-
                       a higher likelihood that these                               toring, which often is not the
                       were also higher-crime areas.  Prior Delinquent and          case with these offenders, they
                         Lower income may also       Criminal Behavior. It should   are in this high-risk group.
                       result in having less money to   also be noted that prior delin-
                       secure and pay for healthcare   quent and criminal behavior   Lack of Appropriate Value
                       insurance. This can result in not   appeared to be more prevalent   and Moral System. This
                       seeking medical help due to a   in repeat offenders. In fact,   becomes evident when a
                       lack of funds and more health   many considered it to be a   significant number of cases of
                                                     “badge of honor” or a “rite of   repeat offenders are reviewed;
                                                     passage.” Additionally, in a   inmates committing aggravated
                                                     substantial number of cases

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