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notes from the field

                       Recommendation. We must       Physical and Sexual Abuse.     Conclusion
                       pursue resources financially   A large number of inmates       The criminal justice sys-
                       and assist with providing     were abused physically and     tem is not perfect. However,
                       medical and mental health     sexually prior to their incar-  based upon my 50-plus years
                       services. This demands more   ceration. It is difficult to get an   of working with law enforce-
                       funding and special grants    accurate number of incidents   ment, correction probation, and
                       from local, state, and federal   of this nature as they tend to   parole officers, I have found the
                       agencies. Lobbying for these   be underreported by victims.   vast majority are dedicated and
                       services is of paramount      Victims are sometimes embar-   professional in their positions. I
                       importance. We can also solicit   rassed or fearful of some type   have also witnessed numerous
                       volunteers from profession-   of retaliation if they report   positive changes in the system
                       als in medical, psychological,   these kinds of crimes.      over the years and foresee
                       and social work professions. It   Physical abuse by a parent   additional positive improve-
                       should be noted that a number   or guardian could have been   ments as needed. I have been
                       of mental health and psycho-  meted out by them as perhaps   most honored to work in this
                       logical professions require   their parent had done, making   most important humanistic
                       completing volunteer services   this a generational problem. It   discipline. 
                       to qualify for their annual   could have been as excessive
                       recertification.              corporal punishment to get
                                                     compliance to their demands.   John M. Paitakes, PhD, is
                       Lack of Positive Role Models   A parent or guardian may have   Professor Emeritus, Seton Hall
                                                                                    University in New Jersey. He
                       and Mentors. In a significant   been under the influence of   worked as a probation officer for
                       number of cases, most of the   drugs or alcohol. Sexual abuses   more than 25 years and served
                       repeat offenders interviewed   may have taken place also as   on the New Jersey State Parole
                       did not possess the benefit of   a result of similar incidents   Board for 10 years, where he has
                       a positive role model or men-  that the parent had undergone   interviewed over 7,000 inmates.
                                                                                    In addition, he has written numer-
                       tor. As previously noted, in the   themselves. Victims of abuse   ous articles on a diverse number
                       majority of cases their bio-  sometime become abusers.       of criminal justice issues and
                       logical parents were not legally                             participated as a criminal justice
                       married and may not even      Recommendation.                expert on EBRU television, several
                       have lived together. In fact, in   Unfortunately, a significant   podcasts, radio, and Fox News
                                                                                    television. He continues to work
                       a number of cases one of their   number of repeat offend-    in criminal justice as an Adjunct
                       parents was also incarcerated   ers have been physically and   Professor at Rider University, a
                       during part of their upbring-  sexually abused. This must be   criminal justice consultant, and
                       ing. If the individual offender   detected as early as possible to   an Alternate Member of the New
                       was fortunate enough to have   prevent further negative reper-  Jersey State Parole Board. He can
                                                                                    be reached at
                       a different significant caregiver   cussions. Primary agencies
                       (i.e., grandparent, aunt, uncle,   such as school personnel, youth
                       or other responsible adult)   service agencies, probation
                       this could have made a differ-  officers, and police officers can
                       ence in their development and   detect this abuse and should
                       adjustment.                   refer to Division of Youth and
                                                     service agencies for investiga-
                                                     tion and assistance.

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