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P. 71

he Prince George’s
                     County Department of
                     Corrections (PGDOC)
                     is the only correc-
           Ttional facility in Prince
           George’s County, Maryland, and is
           one of the largest jails in the state.
           PGDOC manages and supervises
           pre-trial defendants (males, females,
           and juveniles) who have been com-
           mitted to the detention center while
           awaiting trial, as well as inmates
           sentenced with 18 months or less.
           The department consists of 18 hous-
           ing units and has a total housing
           capacity of 1,524 individuals. The   detainees with rehabilitative skills;
           facility also has its own medical unit   and promote staff development
           with a new unit currently under   and training in a professional work
           construction.                     environment.
             The Department of Corrections      PGDOC has a Special
           is most proud of the professional-  Operations Division that consists
           ism of its staff especially during the   of the Emergency Response Team,
           trying times that accompanied the   Transportation Unit, Regional    Domestic Violence Program, Barber
           global pandemic. PGDOC person-    Processing Unit, K9 Unit, and the   Styling School, Education Unit, and
           nel utilized their extensive training   Fire Safety Team Unit.       Medication Assisted Treatment, as
           to ensure the department’s mission   A number of programs are        well as religious services and coun-
           to protect the safety of the commu-  offered to help rehabilitate offend-  seling. PGDOC does not have any
           nity by keeping secure, in a humane   ers including the Comprehensive   jail industry programs.
           environment, offenders legally    Correctional Recovery and
           committed to its custody and care;   Treatment Program (CCoRT),
           provide opportunities to equip    Women’s Empowerment Program,

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