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Elevating Correctional Leadership
The American Jail Association is excited to introduce the Jail Executive Institute
formed in partnership with the University of Nebraska at Omaha, College of Public
Affairs and Community Service, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Applications are now being accepted for the first class to be held September 19–24,
2021 in Omaha, Nebraska.*
JEI is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of jail executives as they
navigate their responsibilities and the challenges in their facility, including:
Politics and Power Managing Media Relations
Critical Incident Preparation Diversity/Equity/Inclusion
Managing Fiscal Resources Use of Force
Ethical Decision-Making Restrictive Housing
Officer Wellness & Resilience International and Domestic Terrorism
For the purposes of the JEI, a jail executive is defined as:
A person (sworn or civilian) who directs, administers, and/or is in charge of the
operations of a local correctional agency and reports directly to the sheriff, and/or
county/city governing body or board. The jail executive has the final decision-making
authority in the facility with regard to policies and procedures, staff and inmate
safety and security, maintenance, staffing, training, all programs, and preparation of
annual budgets and expenditures
is a member of your executive command staff. Ideally, this person is involved with
executive level policy, operational, budget, and human resource/disciplinary decisions.
Program Fee: $2,995 payable after acceptance. This fee covers tuition, class
materials, lodging, some meals, and snacks. The participant is responsible for
airfare and transportation to and from the airport.
For more information on
how to apply and the program
requirements, visit
*JEI consists of three segments: classroom, virtual, and oral presentation. The classroom segment is in Omaha.
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