Page 80 - 2021_JA_Complete2
P. 80
chaplain’s corner
Transformation: On the Road to Damascus
What is transforma- sporting events, concerts, and When I think of transfor-
tion? It is a thorough so many other activities that mation, I often reflect on the
or dramatic change in comprised our day-to-day lives Apostle Paul and his trans-
form or appearance. The became taboo. There were no formational experience as he
COVID-19 pandemic graduations, birthday parties walked the road to Damascus.
will obviously be written for friends and family, social His experience was unexpected
in the history books as gatherings, or dining out. and one that he could never
one of the most transfor- Overnight, absolute necessities anticipate. He began his jour-
mational moments in the that could usually be found ney as Saul. By the end, he was
history of our country. at the store were no longer God’s apostle and renamed
Who would have ever available. We were forced to Paul.
thought one single event improvise and change how we
Shane Dotson, MS, CCE could shut down both lived. This was truly a transfor- Place of Healing
casinos and churches—and mational time for all of us. Each day, hundreds of
everything in between? inmates walk through the
Each of us experienced From Saul to Paul doors of our facilities, but we
some form of transforma- Those of us who work have no knowledge of the
tion this past year. Here in tireless hours in the world of situation or circumstances that
the Midwest, we watched gas corrections often strive to help guided their journey. We know
prices drop to below a dollar our inmates transform their only the cause of their incar-
per gallon. We learned to work lives during our watch. During ceration. They may be in our
remotely. School functions, the pandemic, even how we facility for a few hours or a few
managed our inmate popula- months, yet we hope that we
tions called for transformation, can provide the intervention
and we met the challenge by that allows them to experience
finding creative ways to meet a transformation. As correc-
and sustain the needs of those tional staff, we are prepared,
under our care. trained, and schooled to meet
I applaud each of you for the challenges of a diverse
how you worked and strat- inmate population. Just as God
Transformation often egized through these difficult sent Paul to Ananias for heal-
ing, we strive to be there for
times. Despite the pandemic,
you accomplished the mis- our populations.
occurs when opportunity sion to provide a safe and So, how can inmates or their
secure environment not only situations be transformed? For
meets preparation. for your inmates but also for the Apostle Paul’s transforma-
tion, a significant event was
staff, volunteers, contractors,
and—when allowed— visitors. required to change the direc-
During these chaotic times, tion of his life. Then when he
you thought outside the box, was struck blind, his path was
became creative, and focused redirected to a place of healing
on maintaining the balance and opportunity.
despite all the obstacles that
arose this past year and still
arise today.