Page 76 - 2021_JA_Complete2
P. 76


                            Shaun Klucznik, CJM, CCE, Major/Jail Administrator, Judicial Services
                            Bureau Commander, Hernando County Sheriff’s Office, Brooksville, Florida

                     Hello, my name is Shaun Klucznik. I am married and have a teenage daughter who is ready to start
                     driving. I am about to finish my master’s degree in philosophy and look forward to being done with
                     school (for now).

                     •  I decided to enter the field   •  The hardest thing I’ve ever   •  You’d be surprised to learn
                       of corrections and make it     done is… In 2010, we took       that… I’ve been in the busi-
                       my career because… It was      over operational control of     ness 24 years. I started this
                       dumb luck that I got into      my current facility from a      line of work when I was 19.
                       corrections. I saw a former    private correctional vendor.
                       co-worker of mine walk into    Working 16-hour days for     •  I am most proud of… Being
                       my workplace wearing a         90 days to create an entire     a father to my beautiful
                       detention deputy uniform.      detention division for our      daughter.
                       I asked a few questions and    sheriff’s office was an amaz-  •  My motto is… How you
                       applied to that agency the     ing undertaking. It’s been      react to a situation is a choice.
                       next day. Once I got into the   highly successful.
                       position, I knew I had made                                 •  If there is one piece of
                       the right choice and it became   •  My favorite way to relax is…   advice I’d like to give to
                       my career.                     I enjoy taking day trips with   anyone considering correc-
                                                      my wife and daughter and        tions as a career, it would
                     •  The most unusual job I’ve     spending time in prayer.        be… Develop a thick skin but
                       ever had was… I’ve only had                                    don’t become hardened. 
                       two jobs: I worked in grocery   •  My favorite meal is…
                       and in corrections. So, correc-  Fettuccini Alfredo with my
                       tions is the most unusual job   wife’s homemade Alfredo
                       I’ve had.                      sauce (no one can beat it).

                     •  I felt it was important to be   •  One item from my personal
                       a member of AJA and serve      “bucket list” is to…. I’d love
                       on the board because… I        to travel to Ireland. That will
                       wanted to offer my services    be my retirement present to
                       and experience to what I       myself.
                       consider the most valuable   •  The three people, living
                       resource to those working      or deceased, I’d invite to
                       in local jails. I also wanted   dinner are… Jesus Christ,
                       to be on the cutting edge in   George Washington, and Bill
                       helping to steer the future of   Belichick.
                       our profession. Being on the
                       board will help to do that.

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