Page 79 - 2021_JA_Complete2
P. 79

American Jail Association
                                        Statements of Financial Position
                                              December 31, 2020


              Current Assets
                   Cash                                                                $162,541
                   Cash—restricted                                                       46,100
                   Investments                                                          425,171
                   Accounts receivable, net allowance of
                     $0 and $9,415 in 2020 and 2019, respectively                        39,599
                   Inventory                                                                —
                   Prepaid expenses                                                     102,690
                     Total Current Assets                                               776,101
              Property and Equipment
                   Land                                                                 143,813
                   Building and improvements                                            976,907
                   Furniture and equipment                                              146,915
                   Website                                                               98,285
                   Software                                                              13,848
              Accumulated depreciation                                                 (696,569)
                     TOTAL ASSETS                                                    $1,459,300

                                       LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS
              Current Liabilities
                   Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                $32,706
                   Compensated absences                                                  47,309
                   Deferred revenue                                                     685,140
                   Current maturities of long-term debt                                  37,630
                     Total Current Liabilities                                          802,785

              Long-Term Liabilities
                   Long-term debt, less current maturities
                     and unamortized debt issuance costs                                554,284
                   Deferred revenue                                                      28,516
                     Total Liabilities                                                1,385,585
              Net Assets
                   Without donor restrictions                                            27,615
                   With donor restrictions                                               46,100

                     Total Net Assets                                                    73,715

                     TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS                                $1,459,300

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