Page 78 - 2021_JA_Complete2
P. 78


                       Financial Statement for Fiscal Year

                       Ending December 31, 2020

                         We are pleased to provide     on investments of ($66,410)     Program expenses totaled
                         the American Jail Association’s  resulting in a decrease of   $863,218 for the year. General
                         Annual Auditor’s Report       ($137,482) compared with a    and administrative expenses
                         for the fiscal year ending    gain of $94,352 last year. This   totaled $506,987 for the year—
                         December 31, 2020. In accor-  adjusted our end-of-year net   this was $35,156 less than the
                         dance with the bylaws of      assets to $27,615. Highlights   year prior.
                         AJA, the books of accounts of   of the Audit Report are as
                         the organization have been    follows.                      Investments and Net Assets
                         audited by the independent                                    The association had net
                         auditing firm of Smith Elliott   Revenue                    unrealized and realized losses
                         Kearns & Company, LLC. The      Most revenue categories,    on investments of ($66,410).
                         audit produced an opinion     with the exception of a few,   This was a net change of
                         based on review of our finan-  were significantly lowered   ($137,482).
                         cial statements and accounting   compared year over year      End-of-year net assets were
                         practices that the changes in   and to budget due to the    $27,615, which was down from
                         our net assets and cash flow   COVID-19 pandemic and the    $892,526 in the previous year.
                         for the calendar year ending   cancellation of the 2020 AJA
                         December 31, 2020 were in     Conference & Jail Expo, which   For more informa-
                         accordance with Generally     resulted in $0 conference     tion, please contact AJA
                         Accepted Accounting           revenue.                      headquarters.
                         Principles (GAAP). Further,     Operational revenue, which
                         that in the opinion of the    includes magazine advertis-   Respectfully submitted by:
                         auditors, the organization’s   ing and membership dues,
                         financial statements present   was $594,176 for the year.
                         fairly, in all material respects,   Membership dues showed a   EDDIE K. LANCE, CJM
                         the financial position of AJA   decrease due to the cancel-  Treasurer
                         for the year ending December   lation of the annual confer-  American Jail Association
                         31, 2020, with no deficiencies   ence, which normally drives
                         in internal controls.         renewals and new member-
                           In summary, AJA had assets   ships. Publication advertising
                         and liabilities of $1,459,300 in   revenue was down again year
                         2020, compared to $1,679,674   over year as demand contin-
                         in 2019. Total revenues for   ues to lessen.
                         2020 were $594,176 com-
                         pared to $1,946,666 in 2019.
                         Total expenses in 2020 were   Expenses
                         $1,370,205 compared to          Expenses for 2020 totaled
                         $1,923,386 in 2019.           $1,370,205, which was signifi-
                                                       cantly lower than $1,923,386
                           This resulted in a net-to-  from the year prior, due to the
                         fund balance of ($776,029) in   cancellation of the conference
                         2020, compared to a net-to-   and expense reductions at
                         fund balance of $23,280 in    headquarters.
                         2019. In addition, we had net
                         unrealized and realized losses

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