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AJA Industry AffIlIAte MeMbers

           American Correctional Association
                                                     President’s Commentary
           American Federation of State, County, and
             Municipal Employees (AFSCME)            Continued from page 4
           Association of Women Executives in
             Corrections (AWEC)                         This past year taught us a   committed to our nation’s jail
           Bill Glass Behind the Walls               great deal about the environ-  professionals and will continue
           Catholic Charities                        ment in which we work. We      to provide the training that you
                                                     received both positive and     have come to expect.
           Colorado Jail Association                 negative attention during the    We will also be soliciting the
           Companions Journeying Together            global pandemic. Adapting to   needs of our colleagues and
           Correction Captains’ Association, Inc.    a new normal, we were boots    putting that call into action.
                                                     on the ground and could be     Training is necessary to ensure
           Freedom Forever Ministries                found scrounging for masks,    we are mitigating risk, reduc-
           Good News Jail & Prison Ministry          cleaning supplies, test kits, and   ing liability, and ensuring that
                           thermometers. We released      all jail staff have the tools and
                                                     incarcerated individuals at    knowledge necessary to man-
           IAHV Prison Program/Formally              record numbers, and courts
             Prison Smart                                                           age and lead.
                                                     were insisting on video connec-
                                                                                      As 2021 moves forward,
           Institute for Higher Education Policy     tivity. Visits ceased, programs   please consider getting
           Law Enforcement Officers Regional         were suspended, quarantine     involved with the American
             Training Commission                     units were implemented, and    Jail Association. We are taking
                                                     we looked to our public health
           Michigan Sheriffs’ Coordinating &                                        on endeavors that are neces-
             Training Council                        professionals to guide our daily   sary for progress and change.
           Middle Atlantic States Correctional                                      The AJA staff and the Board
             Association (MASCA)                        We continued our daily ritu-  of Directors are here for you.
                                                     als of donning masks and other   Communication is key to suc-
           Missouri Sheriffs’ Association            personal protective equipment.   cess, and we encourage you to
           National Commission on Correctional       Our jails maintained order     engage with us, join a commit-
             Health Care                             and minimized fear. Although   tee, host a training, or share
           New Jersey County Jail Wardens            social distancing was virtually   your best business practices
             Association                             impossible, we managed—and     on iConnect or by writing an
                                                     we did well. In addition, we   article for American Jails.
           North Carolina Jail Administrators’       paused professional develop-
             Association                                                              We can learn so much from
                                                     ment and training, two of the
           Policy Research, Inc.                     most important aspects of      one another, and as your
                                                                                    President, I am looking forward
           ReGen Hope Initiative, Inc.               corrections professionals. For   to collaborating on hot topics
                                                     an industry that is complex and
           The Rape Crisis Center                                                   and trends. We appreciate your
                                                     ever-evolving, training must
           San Joaquin County Correctional Officers   continue to be our top priority.  dedication and commitment.
             Association                                                            We are proud of the work that
                                                                                    you do and we are glad you
           The Securus Richard A. Smith Foundation   AJA Supports You!              were chosen!
           South Carolina Jail Administrators’          AJA’s Board of Directors and   Be safe, be well.
             Association                             staff have developed an action
                                                     plan to reintroduce in-person
           Story Chain
                                                     trainings. As adult learners, we   MANDY LAMBERT, CJM
           Texas Jail Association                    rely on science and research to   President
           Virginia Association of Regional Jails    drive decisions on the needs   American Jail Association
                                                     of the field, but more impor-
           WTS Medical STAFFING, LLC
                                                     tantly we rely on you. As we
           Wisconsin Jail Association                move forward, we are deeply

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