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notes from the field
AJA Industry AffIlIAte MeMbers
American Correctional Association
They are then assigned a recov tors. We take selfinventories
American Federation of State, County, and ery coach who then meets with to keep our own recovery
Municipal Employees (AFSCME) them weekly to work on goals foremost, and we are honest
Association of Women Executives in and to support their recovery with ourselves. We can’t help
Corrections (AWEC) from addiction. another manage his or her
Our clients also attend “stuff” if we can’t manage our
Bill Glass Behind the Walls own. Above all, it is always the
weekly recovery support
Catholic Charities groups of their choice as we NJZ—no judgment zone—in
offer a variety of groups. These our presence.
Colorado Jail Association coaches also help to guide
Companions Journeying Together clients through their everyday Conclusion
obstacles. I continue to work toward
Correction Captains’ Association, Inc. becoming the best version of
Freedom Forever Ministries Been There, Done That myself. I am a Colorado Peer
Most of us wouldn’t have and Family Specialist and a
Good News Jail & Prison Ministry served time in jail and prison certified addiction counselor.
IAHV Prison Program/Formally if we had not suffered from I have been working in my
community the past six years in
Prison Smart some form of substance abuse.
Advocating for correctional mental health, suicide preven
Institute for Higher Education Policy reform is our particular spe tion, and substance misuse
cialty because we understand support.
Michigan Sheriffs’ Coordinating &
Training Council that punishment doesn’t Mentoring someone coming
work—those suffering from out of a jail or prison, helping
Middle Atlantic States Correctional addiction need rehabilitation. them get back on their feet,
Association (MASCA) We also provide substance mis offering them the opportunity
use support as this is usually to become a certified recovery
Missouri Sheriffs’ Association
how we became involved with coach, and giving them a piece
National Commission on Correctional the justice system. of community —all of this low
Health Care For people who suffer from ers their chances of reoffending.
New Jersey County Jail Wardens substance misuse, there is typi Being a convicted criminal
Association cally an underlying issue that is a stigma; a label that follows
is not being addressed. It could us and sets us apart from the
North Carolina Jail Administrators’ be false beliefs, unresolved rest of the community. We all
Association trauma, or selfmedication deserve second chances, and to
Policy Research, Inc. due to mental health issues. become part of a community,
Research has shown that not separated from our fam
The Rape Crisis Center once the underlying issue is ily and friends. Together we
addressed, people can change are stronger and recovery is
San Joaquin County Correctional Officers
Association their life. In addition, this helps possible!
to improve their return to
South Carolina Jail Administrators’ society.
Association TEK’s recovery coaches Lisa Carlson is a Colorado Peer
Story Chain model a healthy recovery. and Family Specialist and a
certified addiction counselor. She
We are resource brokers and founded Tribal Experience Korner
University Enterprises Corporation supporters. We utilize tools. in 2020. For more information
Virginia Association of Regional Jails We encourage clients to put about the program, call 970–481–
in effort and to take action on 0974, send an email to tribal
WTS Medical STAFFING, LLC their goals while offering extra,
support by mentors, encourag or visit their website at
Wisconsin Jail Association
ers, motivators, and advoca