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Daniel M. Engert, CJM, CCHP, Chief,
Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, Bunnell, Florida
Hello, my name is Daniel M. Engert. I began my career with the Niagara County (New York) Sheriff’s
Office in 1990. I am a U.S. DOJcertified PREA auditor, an AJA Certified Jail Manager, and an NCCHC
Certified Correctional Health Professional. In 2019, I received a Gold Key Award from the Western
New York Chemical Dependency Consortium in recognition of my efforts to address addiction and
mental health issues in the jail and community. In 2020, I was appointed by Sheriff Rick Staly to serve
as his Court and Detention Division Chief at the Flagler (Florida) County Sheriff’s Office.
• I decided to enter the field of • I felt it was important to be • You’d be surprised to learn
corrections and make it my a member of AJA and serve that… I used to play a mean
career because… Truthfully, on the board because… I trumpet!
I kind of fell into it. I joined have been blessed through • I am most proud of… My
the Niagara County Sheriff’s out my 31year career. From kiddos!
Office for patrol during an an entry level deputy onto • My motto is… Positively
era when everyone started in new jail transition, training, impact inmate outcomes and
the jail. I thrived on the cama first line supervisor, watch you will positively impact
raderie among the squads commander, accreditation your community.
and developed close friend assessor, and jail administra
ships with my coworkers. tor, I have gained valuable • If there is one piece of
When it was time for me to experience in all aspects advice I’d like to give to
transfer, I declined and made from the cell blocks to the anyone considering correc-
the best decision of my career chief’s office. I can benefit tions as a career, it would
to stay in corrections. AJA by giving back through be… The ability to effectively
• The most unusual job I’ve my experience over different communicate inperson is the
single most important skill
ever had was… That’s dif eras to an organization that is that you need to be success
ficult. None of my jobs were the preeminent voice for jails ful in this field. No matter
unusual but I’ve worked as across the United States. how advanced technology
a janitor and at McDonald’s • My favorite way to relax is… becomes, we’ll always need
when attending college, and I never thought I would ever the ability to directly com
sold cars at a Buick Pontiac say this but I’m in Florida municate, negotiate, and
dealership before my career now: Go to the beach! deescalate with those whom
in corrections. • One item from my personal we supervise in our facilities.
• The hardest thing I’ve ever “bucket list” is to… Attend And remember: Corrections
done is… Leave my lifelong a Super Bowl or World Series is a noble career, not a “step
home and family, including with the Steelers or Yankees ping stone.” Be proud of who
three grown children and a playing! you are and what you repre
grandchild, to move my wife • The three people, living or sent as part of law enforce
and daughter from New York deceased, I’d invite to din- ment. This profession is not
to Florida. ner are… Ronald Reagan, for everyone, so be proud to
• My favorite meal is… Abraham Lincoln, and be the selected few.
Chilean Sea Bass! Dwight K. Schrute.