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                            Daniel M. Engert, CJM, CCHP, Chief,
                            Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, Bunnell, Florida

                     Hello, my name is Daniel M. Engert. I began my career with the Niagara County (New York) Sheriff’s
                     Office in 1990. I am a U.S. DOJ­certified PREA auditor, an AJA Certified Jail Manager, and an NCCHC
                     Certified Correctional Health Professional. In 2019, I received a Gold Key Award from the Western
                     New York Chemical Dependency Consortium in recognition of my efforts to address addiction and
                     mental health issues in the jail and community. In 2020, I was appointed by Sheriff Rick Staly to serve
                     as his Court and Detention Division Chief at the Flagler (Florida) County Sheriff’s Office.

                     •  I decided to enter the field of   •  I felt it was important to be   •  You’d be surprised to learn
                       corrections and make it my     a member of AJA and serve       that… I used to play a mean
                       career because… Truthfully,    on the board because… I         trumpet!
                       I kind of fell into it. I joined   have been blessed through­  •  I am most proud of… My
                       the Niagara County Sheriff’s   out my 31­year career. From     kiddos!
                       Office for patrol during an    an entry level deputy onto   •  My motto is… Positively
                       era when everyone started in   new jail transition, training,   impact inmate outcomes and
                       the jail. I thrived on the cama­  first line supervisor, watch   you will positively impact
                       raderie among the squads       commander, accreditation        your community.
                       and developed close friend­    assessor, and jail administra­
                       ships with my co­workers.      tor, I have gained valuable   •  If there is one piece of
                       When it was time for me to     experience in all aspects       advice I’d like to give to
                       transfer, I declined and made   from the cell blocks to the    anyone considering correc-
                       the best decision of my career   chief’s office. I can benefit   tions as a career, it would
                       to stay in corrections.        AJA by giving back through      be… The ability to effectively
                     •  The most unusual job I’ve     my experience over different    communicate in­person is the
                                                                                      single most important skill
                       ever had was… That’s dif­      eras to an organization that is   that you need to be success­
                       ficult. None of my jobs were   the preeminent voice for jails   ful in this field. No matter
                       unusual but I’ve worked as     across the United States.       how advanced technology
                       a janitor and at McDonald’s   •  My favorite way to relax is…   becomes, we’ll always need
                       when attending college, and    I never thought I would ever    the ability to directly com­
                       sold cars at a Buick Pontiac   say this but I’m in Florida     municate, negotiate, and
                       dealership before my career    now: Go to the beach!           de­escalate with those whom
                       in corrections.              •  One item from my personal      we supervise in our facilities.
                     •  The hardest thing I’ve ever   “bucket list” is to… Attend     And remember: Corrections
                       done is… Leave my lifelong     a Super Bowl or World Series    is a noble career, not a “step­
                       home and family, including     with the Steelers or Yankees    ping stone.” Be proud of who
                       three grown children and a     playing!                        you are and what you repre­
                       grandchild, to move my wife   •  The three people, living or   sent as part of law enforce­
                       and daughter from New York     deceased, I’d invite to din-    ment. This profession is not
                       to Florida.                    ner are… Ronald Reagan,         for everyone, so be proud to
                     •  My favorite meal is…          Abraham Lincoln, and            be the selected few.
                       Chilean Sea Bass!              Dwight K. Schrute.

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