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Helping you become
a better, smarter,
and more e ective
correctional professional.
Advocacy—Let your concerns be Big Savings—Receive exclusive Discovery—Engage with peers and
leaders at iConnect, a place for
ADVOCACY—AJA is the collective voice savings on education and professional
heard. AJA represents local corrections BIG SAVINGS—AJA members receive DISCOVERY—Opportunities to gain
knowledge exchange, networking,
and their staff on Capitol Hill. development, including: knowledge from more than 6,500
exclusive discounts on education and
and representation of the industry.
and idea curation. Our online message
training: industry professionals across the
AJAlert—Stay current on news in • Professional development seminars. country—one of your best sources of
• Professional development
AJALERT—Our weekly e-newsletter
board brings together AJA members
the field. Our weekly e-newsletter is • Online education opportunities and information. Use iConnect, our industry
across the country to a virtual
designed to update our members on
designed to update our members on • Online education opportunities meeting place.
news and issues of importance to jail
current events that are important to webinars. specific online community to research
and webinars
facilities, as well as provide the latest
Resources—Access AJA’s Digital
jail facilities, as well as the latest news • Publications. and network.
news from AJA.
• Publications
from AJA. • Training materials. Resource Library, containing more
• Registration fee for the AJA Annual RESOURCES—Learn through online
• Training materials
than a decade of magazines and
American Jails—Gain knowledge Conference & Jail Expo. and onsite training seminars, webinars
AMERICAN JAILS—The only award-
other AJA publications through a
• Registration fee for the AJA
and learn new strategies. Our • Application fees for our Certified and AJAccess and attend one of our jail
winning, bimonthly magazine dedicated
complimentary website.
application fees for our Certified
to issues facing jail professionals.
award-winning, bimonthly magazine Jail Manager, Certified Jail Ocer, leadership academies.
Jail Manager, Certified Jail
publishes information written by and Certified Correctional
Online issues are also available to
Supervisor, and Certified Jail
professionals in corrections. Trainer programs.
AJA members.
Officer programs
American Jail Association | 301.790.3930 | |
American Jail Association | 301.790.3930 | |