Page 70 - 2021_SO_Cover
P. 70
President’s Commentary
Continued from page 4
Is it scary to admit? Yes! to find solutions that address all things corrections is part of
Do we wonder what people workplace stress. your membership and is a great
will say if we admit we are Always remember that place to meet new folks who
stressed? Yes! Are we in fear of you are never alone. There is work in facilities across the
repercussions by seeking help? an entire profession that has country and might share your
Yes! Do we need to change this walked in your shoes, and we story.
antiquated and unhealthy cul are here to support you! I hope In addition, most of those
ture? Yes, yes, yes! I will con that many of you can join AJA who live in our communities
tinue to write about this topic at our fall summit focusing on have no idea what occurs in a
until the end of my term as AJA staff health, wellness, resiliency, jail. I encourage each of you to
President, and this discussion and retention in Columbus, share your staff’s achievements,
will continue when President Ohio from October 24–26, 2021. success stories, citizen compli
Elect Darren Sieger picks up I am thrilled to sit with national ments, and promotions. AJA
the gavel in May 2022 at AJA’s experts at the table to discuss can help you showcase these
41st Conference & Jail Expo in these topics and to help us achievements and promotions
Long Beach, California! meet the needs of our profes on our Facebook page. Please
Our stories are similar. sion. To register and secure contact the Marketing and
Because we share the same housing, visit Communications Department
experiences, we must become ajahealthsummit. at AJA headquarters.
advocates for each another. It is I am hoping by now you
past time to address the vicari have joined us on one of AJA’s Thank you
ous trauma that exists in our virtual platforms to discuss I want to again thank each
daily routines, because there is staff health and wellness. If not, of you for your dedication to
nothing routine about work please watch AJA’s website, aja. the field of corrections! It has
ing in corrections. There is shift org, for the upcoming “Let’s been amazing to hear and see
work, balance of family and Talk About It” virtual discus the celebrations that took place
work, workrelated injuries, sions where members will be in so many facilities in the first
forced overtime, short staff able to discuss their challenges week of May when we cel
ing … but wait there is more! and efforts to improve health ebrated corrections staff! AJA is
There are inmate fights, those and wellness among staff. We here for you.
who suffer from serious mental are always looking to increase Please take care of yourself!
illness, assaults on staff, inmate engagement with our members. Be safe and be well!
suicides, chronically ill inmates, Don’t forget the amazing
substance abusers, geriatric, conversation taking place
disabled, and the list goes on. MANDY LAMBERT, CJM
between your colleagues on
iConnect! There is no need to President
Telling Our Stories “reinvent the wheel” when American Jail Association
We are the potpourri of all you can connect with peers
that is stressful in a workplace. during your search for policies,
So what do we do? My advice: training materials, and proce
Let’s talk about it. I want to dures. Or you can simply ask
hear your story! I would love questions on our forum that
for you to get involved with other members may be able
this initiative, and I encour to answer. This goto place for
age all of us to work together