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Jail Manager

                                                                Certification Commission

                                                                COMMISSION CHAIR
           officers often carry the burdens of their            Michael Harris, CJM
           job alone because they have chosen to                Superintendent/Special Sheriff
           serve in an industry that cannot be shared           Norfolk County Sheriff’s Department
           with their families and friends—whether              Dedham, Massachusetts
           because of confidentiality or simply       
           because of the nature of the job.
             Just like us, Jesus often felt he was              COMMISSION VICE-CHAIR
           alone on an island. He endured a constant            Jared Schechter, CJM
           barrage of scorn and ridicule. He was                Colonel/Jail Administrator
           attacked and denied on a daily basis. Does           Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office
           this sound familiar?                                 Wichita, Kansas
             Yet, despite the adversity, He knew      
           there were those who needed someone
           to listen and care, and He engaged with              COMMISSIONERS
           those in need. I see correctional profes­            Amber Redmond, CJM
           sionals meet these same needs every day              Deputy Director
           for their inmate populations.                        Douglas County Department of Corrections
             When each one of you puts on the uni­              Omaha, Nebraska
           form, you are making a conscious decision  
           to leave the safety of your home in order            Henry Reyes, MAM, MPA, CJM, CCE
           to serve your community, and with the                Chief Deputy Detention Bureau/Housing
           knowledge that the rewards are few and               Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office
           far between. Yet you still choose to serve.          Fort Worth, Texas
           Even though the public celebration may     
           be only one week out of the year, please
           know that your service is appreciated and            John Johnson, PhD, CJM
           acknowledged every day by those whom                 Division Chief
           you serve and serve alongside.                       Miami Dade Corrections & Rehabilitation Department
             May God watch over and care for you                Miami, Florida
           and those with whom you are entrusted,     
           and may He keep you safe and secure in
           the service that you have been called by
           Him to perform.

           American Jail Association

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