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chaplain’s corner

                       Worthy of Celebrating

                             The month of May        “Washing” of the Feet            Peter, one of these disciples,
                             is typically a month       The job of a correctional   was appalled that Jesus would
                             of celebrations across   officer is one that is very rarely   stoop to the level of washing
                             the country. Not only   shown in a positive light. Yet,   anyone’s feet, especially his
                             do we celebrate our     we still clock into our shifts   own:
                             mothers and remember    at the jail every day. There is   4  so [Jesus] got up from the
                             soldiers who died serv­  a strong parallel between the   meal, took off his outer cloth­
                             ing their country, we   lives of those who choose to   ing, and wrapped a towel
                             also acknowledge and    serve and the life of Jesus. As   around his waist.  After that,
                             honor the officers and   the Son of God, Jesus spent 33   he poured water into a basin
                             employees who work in   years on earth serving all those   and began to wash His dis­
                             local corrections. As we   whom He encountered—what­   ciples’ feet, drying them with
           Shane Dotson, MS, CCE  take time to recognize   ever their situation. Those of us   the towel that was wrapped
                       all those who serve, we need to   in corrections do the same. No   around Him.
                       understand the importance of a   matter where the inmates have   6  He came to Simon Peter,
                       servant’s heart.              been or who they are, we house   who said to Him, “Lord, are
                         For those of us who are     them in our jails, provide for   you going to wash my feet?”
                       called to serve, it is essential   their needs, and help them to   7
                       to remember the recipients of   reenter society.                Jesus replied, “You do not
                       our service and our communi­     One of the greatest examples   realize now what I am doing,
                       ties and, most importantly,   of having a servant’s heart is   but later you will understand.”
                       the why. I believe the deci­  when Jesus insisted on wash­     8  “No,” said Peter, “You shall
                       sion to serve is a calling, not   ing the feet of His disciples   never wash my feet.”
                       a job. Unfortunately, working   during the Passover Festival.   Jesus answered, “Unless I
                       in public service is one of the   During the time of Jesus, the   wash you, you have no part
                       most unappreciated careers we   act of washing the feet was   with me.”
                       can enter.                    left to those who were unedu­    9  “Then, Lord,” Simon Peter
                                                     cated and looked down upon     replied, “not just my feet but
                                                     by those in their communities.   my hands and my head as
                                                     Jesus understood this culture,   well!” (John 13:4–9)
                                                     and He wanted to leave a pro­
                                                     found impact on His disciples   Serving Alone
                                                     in order to show them the
                                                                                      As correctional officers, we
                     Correctional officers often     importance of serving.         are often called upon to per­
                                                                                    form many jobs that are less
                      carry the burdens of their                                    than desirable but are essen­
                                                                                    tial to the well­being of those
                                      job alone…                                    placed in our care. I have seen
                                                                                    firsthand the servant’s heart
                                                                                    of many correctional officers
                                                                                    even as they cope with trag­
                                                                                    edy, death, medical and men­
                                                                                    tal health issues, unruly and
                                                                                    disruptive inmates, and many
                                                                                    other challenges the outside
                                                                                    world rarely sees. Correctional

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