Page 47 - July August Cascadian
P. 47

   Tomb effigy at Fontevraud Abbey
The story of Eleanor of Aquitaine (c1122–1204) is one you wouldn’t dare try to make up. She was one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in Western Europe during the High Middle Ages. An heiress to half of France at 13, who became queen, first of France (as wife of Louis VII) and then of England (thanks to her marriage to Henry II). A survivor of battles on crusade, and in France of at least four abduction attempts. A wife divorced by Louis for barrenness, who bore at least 10 children. A mother of three kings (Henry the Young King, Richard I and John) and two queens, not to mention the great- grandmother of two saints. A reputed rebel against Henry II, and his prisoner for 15 years, who ruled his lands for her sons. A remarkable woman who, at 80, commanded the defense of a castle against the attacks of her own grandson, Arthur of Brittany.
What a June we had!!!!
The amazing Women’s Club against the Men’s Club Trivia Event of the Cascade’s took place on June 17th!!!
We had over 130 tickets sold, and the anticipation was built up for weeks!!! The food was served, as were the adult beverages and once I gave my welcoming address Miss Ingrid started the night off and it was women against men for the winning prizes!!!
First place was won by a Women’s Club table with each woman getting a $25 gift card, second place was won by a Woman’s Club table with each woman getting a $20 gift card and third place was won by a Women’s Club table with each woman getting a $15 gift card.
Thank you to everyone who came and participated! This will go down in Cascade’s history!!!!
Coming July 15th is our guest
Pharmacist to speak about mature
women’s health issues and August is
Music Bingo!!!
Have a save and Happy 4th of July!!!!
Diane Kirchner, President
 TOC 47

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