Page 49 - July August Cascadian
P. 49

 STICKBALL By Rudy Rognon
February 17, 2024- On a perfect morning for stickball,
19 players showed up. Max Glickman’s Mustangs faced off against Rich Fiederlein’s Lions.
The top of the first saw Vinnie Davis and Jack Nisbet both hit singles. They were left stranded on base. In the bottom of the first, Mike Jarsky, Diane Skerry and Rob Crowell singled to load the bases. Ron Polakowski singled to center for the first run of the game. The Lions led 1-0.
The top of the second saw the Mustangs go quietly with no scoring. The bottom of the second saw Rory Marks (Don Smith’s son) double to center. Rich Fiederlien followed with a single, putting runners on 1st and 3rd. Rob Crowell followed with a triple to left center. The Lions now led 3-0.
In the top of the third Howie Bland led off with a single. Jack Nisbet followed with a double to right, putting runners on second and third. Don Smith followed with a double to center, knocking in two runs. Two more runs scored on RBI singles by Rudy Rognon and Daren Desiere. The inning ended with the Mustangs ahead 4-3.
The top of the fourth saw the Mustangs leave the bases loaded, after singles by Nisbet, Rognon and John Pullen. The Lions went quietly in the bottom of the fourth. Score remained 4-3 Mustangs.
In the top of the fifth, Max Glickman singled to center. Howie Bland followed with a single. Jack Nisbet then slammed a double to center, scoring Glickman, making the score 5-3 Mustangs.
In the bottom of the fifth the Lions came roaring back. Singles by Ron Polakowski, Chris Hachem and Frank Ferry loaded the bases. Rory Marks (guest) singled in a run. RBI singles by Cliff Slater, Rob Crowell and Larry Heck gave the Lions the lead 8-5.
The top of the sixth saw John Pullen single and Howie Bland get his third hit of the game, a single to center. It was not enough; the Mustangs failed to score and the final was 8-5 Lions.
February 24, 2024- Thirty-five players past and present showed up for a moment of silence for Jack Ross. Jack was the leader for 18 years. He passed away on 2/19/24. He will be remembered for his friendship, leadership, sportsmanship and that infectious smile. Rest in peace, our dear friend.
On a sunny day twenty-seven players participated in our game. Alan Portnoy’s Pirates faced off against Max Glickman's Mustangs.
In the top of the first Daren Desiere singled to center. Jim Durante (guest) followed with a double to right. Both runners were left stranded and no runs scored.
The good pitching of Portnoy and Glickman kept the game scoreless until the top of the fourth. Frank Ferry led off with a single. Bob DiPouli followed with a double. Saul Bronstein blasted a single to left, scoring Ferry. Joe Startare (guest) followed with an RBI single. The inning ended with the Pirates in the lead 2-0. In the bottom of the fourth, Chris Hachem led off with a single. Steve Depietro followed with a single. Jack Nisbet singled to right to load the bases. Vin Davis, Lou DeBlasio and Paul Zumbo had RBI singles to make the score 3-2 Mustangs. It could have been much worse. Mike Jarsky caught a line drive and Dianne Pullen caught a fly ball with her hat. It was the first time anyone could remember anyone using their hat to catch a ball. Way to go, Dianne.
In the top of the fifth Rob Crowell doubled to right. Jim Durante (guest) followed with a single, putting runners on first and third. The Pirates could not score them. In the bottom of the fifth, Rudy
Rognon, Cliff Slater and John Pullen hit singles to load the bases, where they were left stranded by their teammates.
The top of the sixth saw Saul Bronstein double to left. Mike Jarsky followed with a single, putting runners on first and third but, alas, the Pirates could not get them home and the Mustangs held on to win 3-2.
March 2, 2024 - Today we had two special guests. Gloria Ross and Craig Ross, Jack's wife and son. Twenty-nine players showed up for our game. Max Glickman's Mustangs squared off against Alan Portnoy's Pirates. There was no scoring until the third inning,
In the top of the third, Mike Demarcantonio doubled. Up next was Craig Ross who hit a triple to center field. The score was 1-0 Mustangs. Rich Fiederlein singled in Ross, making it 2-0 Mustangs. Singles by Portnoy and John Sporer put runners on first and second. Paul Zumbo doubled to center, knocking in two runs. Another single knocked in a run, making the score 5-0 Mustangs.
There was no scoring in the top of the fourth but, in the bottom of the fourth, Janis McKenna singled to right. That was followed by singles off the bats of Bob DePouli and Daren Desire. The bases were now loaded. Chris Hachem singled in a run for an RBI. Ron Polakowsky doubled, knocking in two more. Frank Ferry then hit an RBI single. Jack Nesbit finished the scoring with a hit, ending the inning and making the score 5-5.
The top of the fifth saw Demarcantonio single to center. Craig Ross blasted a home run to deep center. (It must be in the genes.) The score was 7-5 Mustangs. There was no scoring in the bottom of the fifth.
In the top of the sixth, despite singles by Howie Bland and Lou DeBlasio, the Mustangs could not score. The score remained 7-5 Pirates. In the bottom of the sixth, Rob Crowell singled. Daren Desiere doubled to left. Chris Hachem then doubled to center, tieing the score 7-7. Portnoy bore down, not allowing another run to score. The game ended in a 7-7 tie.
March 9, 2024- On a sunny day with temps in the 70s, 29 players showed up for our weekly game. Allan Portnoy's Mets faced off against Max Glickman's Yankees.
In the top of the first, Paul Zumbo doubled in Allan Portnoy who had singled. The score was 1-0 Mets. In the bottom of the first, the Mets loaded the bases on singles by John Pullen, Pauline Faubert and Mike Demarcantonio. That brought up Jim Durante (guest). He blasted a triple that cleared the bases for 3 RBIs. Rich Fiederlein followed with a single that made the score 4-1 in favor of the Yanks. There was no scoring in the top of the second. In the bottom of the second, Rob Crowell tripled to left center. He was knocked in by Howie Bland’s sharp single to right. The inning ended with the score 5-1 Yankees. The top of the third saw Bob DePouli, Allan Portnoy and John Pullen all hit doubles. The score now was 5-3 Yanks. Paul Zumbo then singled. Ted Samuelson (just off the I.R.) singled to right. The inning ended with the score 5-4 Yanks. There was no scoring in the bottom of the third. In the top of the fourth, Dianne Pullen and Bart Cincotta hit singles. Bob DePouli then doubled in a run, tying the score at 5. In the bottom of the fourth, Don Smith, Rob Crowell and Lou DeBlasio all singled to load the bases. Howie Bland hit an RBI single to center, followed by an RBI single by Janice McKenna. The score was now 7-5 Yanks. No scoring occurred in the fifth inning. The top of the sixth saw the Mets go down in order. The Yanks won 7-5.
March 16, 2024-With the temps in the low 70s, 22 players showed up for our weekly game. Allan Portnoy's Mets faced off against Max Glickman's Yankees.
There was no scoring until the bottom of the first. Singles by Frank Ferry, Mike Demarcantonio and Rudy Rognon loaded the bases. INDEX ... continued on page 50

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