Page 51 - July August Cascadian
P. 51

was no scoring til the bottom of the second. Bob DePouli led off with a double. Joe Sartare (guest) followed with a single to put runners on first and third. Frank Ferry doubled, knocking in the first run of the game. Jack Nisbet and Cliff Slater followed with RBI singles to make the score 3-0 Mets. In the top of the third, Janice McKenna laced a single to left for her second hit of the game. She was left stranded on base. The score remained 3-0 Mets. In the bottom of the third, Chris Hachem, Larry Heck and DePouli singled to load the bases. Daren Deserie then hit an RBI single, making the score 4-0 Mets. In the top of the fourth, the Yanks loaded the bases on singles by Rob Crowell, McKenna and Paul Zumbo, but they were left stranded. The score remained 4-0 Mets.There was no scoring in the bottom of the fourth or fifth inning. In the top of the sixth, Joe Poerio and Ted Samuelson both hit singles but were left on base, thanks to the strong pitching of Allan Portnoy. Allan recorded a shutout as the Mets beat the Yanks 4-0.
May 4, 2024 - Twenty-five players showed up for our weekly game. Max Glickman's Yanks squared off against Allan Portnoy's Mets.
There was no scoring in the first, second or top of the third. In the bottom of the third, Portnoy led off with a single. Lou DeBlasio and Mike Demarcantonio singled to load the bases. Vin Davis and Mike Jarsky both had RBI singles. The score was now 2-0 Mets. Rob Crowell finished the scoring by hitting a double to right. The score was now 4-0 Mets. In the top of the fourth, Rich Fiederlein led off with a double. Chris Hachem followed with a single, putting runners on first and third. Steve Depietro then lined a single to right and the score was now 4-1 Mets. The inning ended with no more scoring. In the bottom of the fourth, singles by Cliff Slater and Portnoy (his third hit of the game) went for naught as their teammates could not score them. In the bottom of the fifth, Barry Worshousky led off with a single. Mike Demarcantonio and Vin Davis singled to load the bases. It was Mike’s and Vinny's third hits of the game. Mike Jarsky, Jack Nisbet and Manny Cannatella all had RBI singles to finish the scoring for the inning. The score now was Mets 7 Yanks 1. In the top of the sixth, despite a double by Fiederlein, the Yanks went quietly. Final score 7-1 Mets.
May 11, 2024 - Nineteen players showed up for our weekly game. Allan Portnoy's Mets faced off against Max Glickman's Yanks.
There was no scoring in the top of the first. In the bottom of the first, Glickman led off with a double. Howie Bland followed with a single to right. With runners on first and third, Rob Crowell hit an RBI single. That was followed by Joe Sartare (guest) ripping a double to center, scoring another. The inning ended with the Yanks ahead 2-0. There was no scoring in the second inning. In the top of the third, Jack Nisbet doubled to right. He was stranded on base. In the bottom of the third, Crowell hit a double to right. Bland singled. Pauline Faubert singled in a run. Frank Ferry doubled to left, knocking in another run. RBI singles by Glickman and Daren Desiere made the score 6-0 Yanks. In the top of the fourth, Larry Heck hit a line drive that was snagged by Pauline Faubert for an out. Nice play, Pauline. Robert Hurley and Bob DePouli both hit singles but were stranded on base. The bottom of the fourth saw singles by Joe Sartare and Paul Zumbo, but their teammates could not knock them in. The top of the fifth saw Cliff Slater, Larry Heck and Steve Depietro hit singles to load the bases, but the pitching of Glickman stranded them on base. There was no scoring in the bottom of the fifth. In the top of the sixth, DePouli and Mike Jarsky put runners on first and second. Glickman buckled down and held the Mets scoreless. He finished with a shut out. Final score Yanks 6 Mets 0.
May 18, 2024 - Eighteen players showed up to partake in our weekly game. Allan Portnoy’s Mets faced off against Max Glickman’s Yanks.
In the top of the first, Rich Fiederlein singled to center. Jack Nisbet then doubled to right. Rob Crowell followed with an RBI single. Mike Demarcantonio finished the scoring with a single. The Mets led 2-0. There was no scoring in the bottom of the first. In the top of the second, Nisbet singled and Crowell doubled. Their teammates left them stranded. The bottom of the second saw Pauline Faubert, Cliff Slater and Glickman load the bases with singles. They did not score. In the top of the third, Rudy Rognon, Chris Hachem and Portnoy all singled to load the bases. Fiederlein and Crowell hit RBI singles and the Mets now led 4-0. The bottom of the third saw Paul Zumbo double and Cliff Slater single but they did not score. The top of the fourth saw Larry Heck and Portnoy single. Fiederlein then doubled, knocking in a run making the score 5-0 Mets. In the bottom of the fourth, Bob DePouli singled and Mike Jarsky doubled. Zumbo singled in the first run for the Yanks. Robert Hurley then doubled in two more runs. The inning ended with the score 5-3 Mets. There was no scoring in the top of the fifth. In the bottom of the fifth, DePouli singled and Zumbo doubled (his 3rd hit of the game). They were both left stranded on base. In the top of the sixth, Rich Fiederlein got his fourth hit of the game but was left stranded on base. The bottom of the sixth saw no scoring but 89-year-old Cliff Slater had his third hit of the game. The game ended with the score Mets 5 Yanks 3.
May 25, 2024 - Sixteen players showed up for our game. Allan Portnoy's Mets squared off against Max Glickman’s Yanks.
In the top of the first, Joe Poerio, Jack Nisbet and Bart Cincotta all singled to load the bases. Rob Crowell blasted a triple to right to clear the bases. Rudy Rognon then singled to right to score Crowell. The top of the inning ended with the score Mets 4, Yanks coming to bat. In the bottom of the first, John Sporer doubled. Steve Depietro knocked in Sporer with a double. Mike Demarcantonio followed with a single. Daren Desiere followed with a double for 2 RBIs. Lou DeBlasio followed with an RBI single and Paul Zumbo singled to make the score 5-4 Yanks. Top of the second saw Joe Sartare (guest), Joe Poerio and Crowell all single to load the bases. Rognon then singled, making the score 5-5. There was no scoring in the bottom of the second. In the top of the third, the Mets loaded the bases on singles by Sartare, Nisbet and Crowell. Rognon then doubled in two runs. Sporer caught a line drive one-handed and the inning ended 7-5 Mets. In the bottom of the third, after a leadoff single, DeBlasio doubled to center. Depietro and Demarcantonio both hit RBIs. Desire then singled. Manny Cannatella singled in the final run of the inning. It was now 8-7 Yanks. In the top of the fourth, Sartare singled, Nisbet doubled, Crowell singled in a run. Pauline Faubert followed with a bloop single to right. The score now was 9-8 Mets. In the bottom of the fourth, Depietro singled, knocking in Zumbo who had tripled. In the top of the fifth, Sartare singled. Joe Poerio smashed a triple to left, scoring Sartare. Crowell singled. It was his fifth hit and fifth RBI of the game. It was now 11-9 Mets. There was no scoring in the bottom of the fifth or the top of the 6th. 92-year-old Lou DeBlasio led off the bottom of the sixth with a double to center, his third hit of the game. Zumbo singled. With runners on first and third, Depietro tripled to tie the score at eleven. It was his fifth hit of the game. Demarcantonio got his third hit of the game, a single, to give the win to the Yanks 12-11.

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