Page 4 - Skylark 7_Booklet
P. 4

Activity 1                                           Critical Thinking  Communication

                                                                            Experiential    Scientific
                                                                            Learning        Temper
                In the poem ‘Hide and Seek’, you read how the child, who is hiding
                from his friends, is nearly invisible to them. Are there any other fun
                games that make use of ‘invisibility’? Discuss with your partner.

                Now, let us do a fun activity by trying to make invisible ink!

                You will need:
                    •    1/4th cup of baking soda

                    •    1/4th cup of water
                    •    a cotton bud/paintbrush

                    •    a sheet of paper
                    •    some grape juice (any

                       dark-coloured juice would
                       work too)

                What to do:
                    •    Mix baking soda and
                       water to create a
                       mixture for the ink.

                    •    Now, dip the cotton
                       bud or the paintbrush
                       in this ink. Write your
                       message on the paper

                       and let it dry.
                    •    Once it is fully dried, dip your paintbrush in grape juice and rub
                       it over your message. Your invisible message will appear now!

                Note:  In this activity, the grape juice makes the message visible
                        because it is acidic, and it undergoes a chemical reaction when
                        mixed with baking soda. This causes a different colour to
                        appear on the page.

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