P. 24

LAGAN US NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              LAI / LAM NEWS

           LAGAN US TEAM HAVE                                                                       WORKS CONTINUE

           COMMENCED WORKS AT BIGGS                                                                 AT RONALD REAGAN

           ARMY AIRFIELD IN TEXAS                                                                   NATIONAL AIRPORT

           Lagan US Aviation & Infrastructure have been awarded                                     Lagan US have secured their forth project

           a $6.5 million Airfield Reconstruction project at Biggs                                  at Ronald Reagan National Airport in                                                                 RUNWAY HANDOVER AT RAF NORTHOLT
           Army Airfield in El Paso, Texas.  The 17-month project                                   Washington to carry out the reconstruction

           commenced on site in April 2019.                                                         of Hold Bay 4.                                                                                    The Lagan Aviation & Infrastructure (LAI) Team accepted Runway 07-25
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               from the RAF at Northolt in April 2019.

           The project is split into three Phases, with the runway being widened by 25ft            The $1.9 million project commenced in April 2019 and is due                The Runway was handed over by Wing Commander Simon Firth and Squadron Leader Andrew Edgecombe to mark to start of the Runway
     TEAMTALK : AUTUMN ‘19  The project team will remove all existing asphalt from the shoulders and   The Hold Bay 4 works will involve the complete reconstruction           Rehabilitation and Arrestor beds Project.                                                                                                                        TEAMTALK : AUTUMN ‘19
                                                                                                    to be completed in October this year.
           on each side with new PCC (Portland Cement Concrete) pavements.

                                                                                                    and expansion of the current de-icing apron and upgrading
           place new aggregate base course and asphalt surfacing to the new
                                                                                                                                                                               The project involves the resurfacing of the runway with 33,000t of Marshall Asphalt, the installation of two new green EMAS Arrestor Beds,
                                                                                                    of Glycol collection and drainage systems.
           shoulder areas.
                                                                                                                                                                               upgrade of AGL to LED and the refurbishment of drainage systems.
                                                                                                    The project team will be placing the asphalt base layers
           It is anticipated that 31,500 tonnes of aggregate base will be laid as well as
                                                                                                                                                                               Operations at RAF Northolt are planned to resume in Autumn 2019.
           11,100 tonnes of Asphalt.  The Project is due to be complete in September
                                                                                                    under the new PCC pavement area as well as the asphalt to
                                                                                                    the new shoulder and service road area.  It is estimated that
                                                                                                    13,200 tonnes of Asphalt will be laid throughout the duration
                                                                                                                                                                               Commdander Simon Firth, OC Ops, RAF Northolt - Brian Donovan, Site Agent, LAI - Dan Aikman, Foreman, LAI
                                                                                                    of the contract.                                                           Pictured L-R: Will Hornby, Project Manager, LAI - Andrew Howard, Resident Engineer, Mott MacDonald - Squadron Leader Andrew Edgecombe, SATCO, RAF Northolt - Wing
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