P. 27

LAI / LAM NEWS  IRELAND WEST AIRPORT OFFICIALLY OPENED   £10M SOUTHEND AIRPORT RUNWAY OVERLAY                                                                         LAI / LAM NEWS


 Lagan Airport Maintenance along with their JV partners Clare Civil Engineering have completed
 works at Ireland West Airport in Knock, County Mayo.  Lagan Airport Maintenance have delivered a £10 million Runway Overlay contract at Southend Airport in
    a 4-month period on behalf of Stobart Rail & Civils.  These works were to facilitate the arrival of Ryanair
    operations at the airport.

 The €11.2 million project included a complete resurfacing of
 the existing of runway edge, centre line, and touch down zone
 lighting ducting and other associated works.

 These works were scheduled to ensure that the runway at
 Ireland West Airport continued to meet the strict regulations
 governing the operation and specification of runways at major

 Runway 26/08, which opened in 1985 handles 100% of all
 flights at the airport and this was the first time in its 34-year
 history that the runway has had a full overlay.

 This resurfacing works took place overnight outside of
 operational hours over a 4-month period.  This work could only
 be undertaken at night as it required the full closure of the
 airport’s main runway.

 Speaking at the official opening of the runway on Friday 20   The 2,000-metre runway at Southend Airport was completely   At the peak of the works 120 staff were on site and worked during
 TEAMTALK : AUTUMN ‘19  project.   millimetres of a combination of Marshall Asphalt Binder and Surface   Other associated works included Airfield Ground Lighting, Drainage   TEAMTALK : AUTUMN ‘19
 September, An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, said: “Today’s
    overlaid with Marshall Asphalt.  In preparation the team planed off 50
                                                                                     strict night time possessions from 11pm to 5.30am with some
 Pictured at Ireland West Airport for the official opening.
 ceremony marks the successful completion of a truly ambitious
    millimetres of the existing runway and overlaid the runway with 200
                                                                                     extensions agreed which were from 9pm to 6am.
 “All of the work was done on time and on budget and I really
                                                                                     and Pit and Ducting Works.
 want to acknowledge the work of the main contractors Lagan
    Our in-house batching plants were erected on site and all works were
 Aviation and Clare Civil Engineering, and also project partners
                                                                                     The team are pleased to report that they delivered the project
    self-performed.  During mobilisation of the batching plant the team
    sourced some materials externally to ensure production was not
                                                                                     throughout the duration of the works.
    compromised.  A total of 41,000 tonnes of Asphalt was laid throughout
    the duration of the contract.                                                    within the required time-frame and had zero accidents or incidents
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