Page 42 - The Manga Guide to Biochemistry
P. 42
How does the The ribosome is Oh, I see! It’s
ribosome make the place where where the
amino acids join candies are
together. strung into a
When these amino Actually, a ribosome looks
acids are "joined more like a snowman
together," that's a kind standing on its head.
of chemical reaction,
Chemical That's Right! That reaction
reaction sticks two different amino acids
together. Then additional reactions
One amino acid pile on even more amino acids, and
pretty soon you've got yourself
Remember, KUmi,
biochemistry is a protein!
the study of the
chemical processes Hey! That’s Now you’re Amino acids
that take place exactly what getting it! are combined by
inside the bodies Nemoto said chemical reactions
to form proteins...
of living back at my
organisms... house!
So protein
synthesis is in fact...
28 Chapter 1