Page 39 - The Manga Guide to Biochemistry
P. 39


Photosynthesis  Saccharide  Snap                           Saccharides were
                                                          required to create
 Photosynthesis is a
  reaction that uses                                              ATP, right?
sunlight and carbon
dioxide to synthesize                                   And oxygen is created
                                                          as a by-product of
        saccharides.                                          photosynthesis.

So do you understand                                       Ah!
   why plants are so                                            and both of
                                                               those things
 important for living
   creatures like us?                                      are produced by

                Saccharides and oxygen                           I totally get it!
                are required to create
                  ATP, which is essential               One more thing to know:
                      for our bodies...                  Photosynthesis occurs

If plants didn't perform                   Uh, Kumi...    in chloroplasts, which
    photosynthesis, life                                are special organelles
    would be so cruel.
                                                           found in plant cells.

I have
no ATP.

Little Match
  girl Kumi

                                                        What Happens Inside Your Body?  25
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